Chapter 3

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By the time the three arrived at Malfoy Manor, Harry had succumbed to his exhaustion and was asleep in Lucius' arms, his head tucked under the man's chin.

Draco keeps glancing at him as they walk down the path towards the gates, his eyes showing the concern he felt. "Father?" Lucius lays his free hand on his son's shoulder, gently squeezing.

"He will be fine, Dragon. We will make sure of that now." He nods and looks forward towards the expanse of the manor grounds.


His head snaps up as a grin bursts onto his face. "Mother!" He takes off towards the door, his mother grabbing him into a tight hug upon his meeting her.

"Oh, my darling! I missed you terribly while you were away." She pushes him back gently, looking him over. "I can not believe it. I think you have grown a few inches since Yule." Draco puffs up at this making Narcissa Malfoy chortle softly. She takes a moment longer to hug her son before she straightens up, fixing her blouse.

She smiles down at him. "Run along inside. The house elves have prepared a nice snack for you, and then you can go unpack in your room. Later tonight, you must tell me how your first year of Hogwarts was. I need every detail, of course." He nods and takes off inside, Narcissa watching him go with a smile.

The smile fades though when she turns to face her husband, noticing for the first time the small figure that was attached to him. "Lucius?"

He stops her from speaking by taking her hand in his. "I will explain, but first, I would like to put him in bed."

She nods and steps forward to look closer at the child. "Of course. He looks like he needs the sleep." Taking her hand away from her husband's grip, she lifts it to gently rub the dark circles under Harry's eyes. "Poor dear." She glances at Lucius, one arm still raised. "May I?" Immediately, he transfers Harry into her arms, both waiting with bated breath to see if he wakes.

When nothing but a sigh leaves him, they relax, Narcissa fussing over him for a minute. "He is so small. He should weigh the same as Draco, give or take a few pounds." While rubbing his back, she inhales a shaky breath, closing her eyes as tears fast approach. "Lucius. Am I feeling what I think I am?"

"I fear so, my love." She scowls, tightening her grip on Harry. "You better have a plan, Lucius Malfoy, or I will be making one. You will not like the one I decide." The corner of his mouth twitches at the tone of her voice as he takes her elbow, guiding her towards the manor door. "I have one. I just need some time to get it started."

Narcissa smiles, then turns her gaze back to the boy in her arms. She gently brushes the hair away from his eyes. "You poor little thing."

Lucius steps to her side and looks at Harry's face. "He fell asleep as soon as we left the wards of Hogwarts." She nods and follows her husband, periodically cooing to Harry when he moves. "I believe we have some other things to discuss before we settle him down and decide our next move." He quickly explains the outburst Harry had in McGonagall's office as they take him to one of the guest rooms.

Narcissa growls under her breath, the air around her crackling just a bit. "How dare they treat a child like that." She lays him down and tucks him in, blinking in surprise when he whimpers and starts to wake. "Oh no, no sweet thing. We are right here. You are perfectly safe. Go back to sleep." She lowers herself to sit on the edge of the bed, placing a gentle hand on his back and starting to hum a lullaby.

He relaxes after a few minutes as his breathing deepens once again. She relaxes and stays where she is as Lucius pulls a chair over. He sits down, watching Harry as he continues with his explanation. "I told Minerva that I would take responsibility for the boy for the remainder of the week. I will go in an hour to the ministry and start the paperwork to become his guardian. I would prefer him to be away from the situation he has found himself in." Narcissa keeps her gaze on the small boy next to her, nodding along. "That would be for the best."

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