Chapter 6

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"Malnutrition, several broken bones gone untreated, burns, scarring. This list is atrocious. What did they put this child through?" Narcissa hisses under her breath to her husband, so the children cannot hear them. It would not do for Harry to think they were upset with him.

It was later that afternoon, and the Malfoys and Harry were sitting in a restaurant in muggle Ireland after having been shopping most the day and after the horrible trip to the healers. They had decided that what they needed, after what they had discovered what Harry had been through, was a simple outing. They were both determined to spoil the child.

Lucius quickly glances over his menu to make sure the boys are behaving. A smile, despite his foul mood, comes to his face as he watches Harry hug his new stuffed animal Lucius had gotten for him after being at the hospital. The boy had been attached to the wolf ever since he had seen it. Lucius didn't want to think about why he was so excited about getting it or his reaction like it had been the first present he had ever received from anyone. Although the more he thought about it, it most likely was the first present he had ever gotten. They would have to fix that.

He gets pulled from his thoughts as his wife whispers to him. "Did the healer give any potions he has to take?" He pulls a list from his robe pocket and hands it over to her. "I am going to Severus' office when we get home to have him start on these. And yes.." He glances at his wife as she shuts her mouth. "He will be getting a dressing down from me as well for this morning. He had no right to act so cold towards a child. I will be making him feel three inches tall."

She scowls and looks back at her menu, muttering something about burying the man up to his neck in dragon dung. He chuckles softly and looks over at the boys. His mood sours once more as he sees Harry having to squint at the words. "Harry? Do you need help, little one?" Harry blinks as his face goes red. "Y-yes sir..The words are too small. I can't see them very well."

"Your glasses do not help with your vision?" Harry looks embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck, his voice going quiet. "No. I found these glasses in a lost and found.. they only help a little bit. My aunt and uncle never took me to an eye doctor. They said they would cost them too much."

Lucius takes a deep breath to calm himself before smiling softly at him. "Well then. We will have to rectify that and get to one after we eat."

Harry perks up, his eyes growing suspiciously wet. "Really?" Lucius nods as his knuckles turn white on his knee. Narcissa places her hand on his and squeezes gently. "We know a specialist that works right around the corner. As soon as we leave here. We will go and see her. And yes, before you ask, she is one of us. She will keep who you are to herself."

The smile that comes across his face was contagious, it seemed, as the Malfoys smiled right back. Draco quickly pushes his chair closer to Harry and starts helping him pick something out to eat. Occasionally, he would point at something, and the two would start giggling.

As the meal went on, Lucius and Narcissa would notice small things about their new charge. From not eating until everyone else started to only being able to eat just a fourth of his meal. The most concerning was that whenever the waitress walked up from behind, Harry would flinch violently. Narcissa discreetly summons a piece of parchment to write her observations down. After adding a date, she slides the rolled-up parchment into her purse to add to the folder of evidence she had started.

Narcissa did have to smile, though, as every time Harry got spooked or upset, he would lean towards Draco. The minute he would understand what was happening, Draco would shoot glares at whatever or whoever had done it. Even Lucius was having trouble hiding his smile at their son's actions, even more so when Harry started playing with his wolf and Draco made a puppet from his jumper.

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