Chapter 3

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After a 5 minutes flight, Eda, Luz and Carrie finally reach the owl house.

"So, this is where you live" said Carrie being impressed of Eda's home, "Finally, you're home, hoot-hoot", said a owl face door dorm coming alive, Carrie screamed after getting scared by the door dorm, "The door dorm, it talks!!" said the shy girl, "Relax, he's trying to say hello, Hooty always likes to receive guesses like that" said Eda, "Oh, so... anything else you have inside this house" Carrie asked.

"Well, i got a roommate, you might love him though" said Eda as she open the door, "It's about time you guys came, i made some tea" said a little creature with a skull in his head and holding a 3 mugs of tea, "Uhhh guys, who's the new girl", the little creature asked as he seen Carrie.

"King, this is Carrie, she also came from the human realm in another universe", said Eda, "Oooooh, he's so cute" said Carrie wanting to just give a hug to King.

"Don't even think about it, stranger", said King, he doesn't like people who call him cute or hugging him.

"Come on, sit down, you can stay for a while", said Luz as she took Carrie to the sofa and sat down and drank tea.

"So tell us, how did you got these amazing power in the first place", Luz asked the shy girl, "Well, where should i started" said Carrie


"Okay, the whole telekinesis thing because you have your first menstruation" said Luz, "It was awful, i thought i was dying, them the other girls, they laugh at me and called me names, and they threw things at me and then Ms. Collins came and she slapped me and then BANG! a light bulb exploded" said Carrie "Or more like you exploded the light bulb" said Eda being obvious, "Exactly, then when i was going back to bed, i looked in the mirror and it was starting to move and then it broke, but not really broke, and mama did hear, but she didn't suspect a thing, so i can't let her know" said Carrie.

"Woah! that's really messed up" said Eda, oh though, she did feel bad for her.

"Woah, it must be so hard being you, you never do anything fun?" said Luz, "I would do anything to live as a normal teenage girl, if i have a chance", said Carrie as she was starting to cry, "I really need you, or i'll never be a new person and-" before she was finished talking, a jar fall from a tablet, and she didn't even touch it.

"Oh god!, did i do that?" said Carrie very shocked, "Woah, that's a lot of feeling issues", said King, "That power could be amazing to control your enemies", "Wait i don't want to do that" said Carrie, "Hey easy, it was a suggestion, why do you take things seriously" said King.

"That's it, i know where those powers came from" said Luz finally figure, "You do?" Carrie asked her, "Your powers came through your emotions, i read it all about it in a book" Luz explained, "Me too" said Carrie, "Wait, really?. I never knew you like mystery and magic" said Luz. "Yeah, I've been reading these books about miracles and magic today, and i think these are a total blessing and it's amazing," said Carrie.

Suddenly Eda said something "But that kind of power is very dangerous if you don't fully control it", "What do you mean?" the shy girl asked, "Well, you see Carrie, Some of us take the magic seriously, but if one has it in them, they must learn to control, or else they could use it to evil and destruction until, that's why you have to use your powers wisely" What Eda said came to Carrie, thinking about her future with her psychic powers, she didn't want to be that evil and hurt a lot of people.

"Is there any way to learn to control them?" Carrie asked, Luz, Eda and King looked at the poor girl's face, they never saw her so sad and worried about this.

"Could you excuse us for a couple of minutes?" said Eda as she, Luz and King move to a corner to talk in private.

"Eda, i think this girl needs serious help", said Luz whisper, "I'm sorry kid, but i already have to train you, plus, i don't think this girl doesn't want to be a witch" said Eda, "I have to agreed with Eda on this one, that Carrie is totally hopeless" said King, "King, don't be rude" said Luz but a mad face at him, "Sorry" King apologized, "Come on, she needs us" Luz begged Eda "If it wasn't for me, you would be a stone monster forever", Eda thought for a moment and she took a breath and finally agreed to Luz, "Fine, i guess i won't mind to teach another human a few things about magic", "That's great" said Luz.

And so they came close to the shy girl and gave her the news, "Carrie, we have something to say to you" Said Luz, "What is it?" Carrie asked, "We will help you with your powers and teach you how to live your life through" said Luz, "And i'll be your teacher" said Eda, "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!, it means a lot to me", said Carrie, very happy, she never was so glad for someone willing to help her.

"Yeah!!, another human buddy" said King, actually excited, "But, you have to keep this as a secret, you can't tell anyone about this, especially to your mother, you got that?" said Eda, Carrie was actually good in keep it secret but she didn't like the idea of lying to her own mother, but she have no choice to accept Eda's offer "Yes ma'am" "Great, and please don't call me ma'am, Eda is enough" said Eda.

"I'll be back tomorrow after school", said Carrie and she rushed outside the house, "Hold up!, where are you going" Luz asked, "I'm sorry, but i have to come back home, mama will find out i'm not in my bedroom" said Carrie, "Alright, but don't be late, because tomorrow is your first day" said Eda "Bye Carrie, see you soon, hoot-hoot" said Hooty, he couldn't wait until he see Carrie again, "Alright, see you tomorrow" said Carrie as she uses her teleportation power to get back to her bedroom.

"Eda, do you ever wonder what she do in her universe" Luz asked, "i'm not sure, but i glad she met us, and as a member of Team Toon, is your job to help her" said Eda, Luz of course will do anything to make Carrie's life a lot better.

Meanwhile. Carrie was finally in her bedroom, even though she didn't make a noise, her mother Margaret came to check if Carrie was sleep, as Margaret was slowly open the door, Carrie went to her bed and just fell asleep quickly, "Carrie, is everything ok-" before Margaret finished talk, she saw her daughter deeply sleep, the only thing she did is to cover put her blanket for warming and give her a kiss, "I love you, Carrietta", said Margaret as she was shutting the door and walking back to her bedroom.

Carrie suddenly wakes up, even though her mother can be really hard on her, she still loved her, but Carrie could stop thinking about the boiling isles and her new friends and teacher, hoping she will see them again... tomorrow.

End of Chapter 3.

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