Chapter 11

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So it was finally Prom day, everyone is getting in the best looks and outfits.

Meanwhile, Carrie goes to the boiling isles to visit her friends for a while before getting ready.

"Hey Hooty, is Luz here?" Said Carrie to the door dorm owl, "Oh yeah, she's actually doing some plans for tonight" said Hooty, "Hooty, I was supposed to tell her that" said Luz, "Oh, I'm sorry, hoot-hoot" said Hooty as he let Carrie in.

Carrie was wondering what Luz was up to "So, what are you planning?" Carrie asked, at some point Luz did want to tell her about her multi amulet that will allow her to go to her universe.

"Hey C, is it okay if I go with you to prom?" Luz asked, but Carrie got worried, why Luz would go to a senior prom in high school, plus she was only 14, but Carrie just talked about it.

"I don't know Luz, I don't think you like it" said Carrie, "Please, I've been in a few school dances in my human realm, not to mention the school dance in Hexside, that's not what I was expecting" said Luz.

"But how are you going to go to my universe?"Carrie asked once again, "With this" said Luz as she showed her her amulet, Carrie was surprised to see an amulet just like hers.

"Oh, it's like this amulet will allow you to go anywhere" said Carrie figure out soon "Yeah, woah, I never knew you'd figure that out that quick" said Luz.

"I've become a witch's apprentice for two weeks now, I think I got all figured out" said Carrie smiling "But I don't know, I wouldn't let any bad happen to you" She was getting worried about Luz getting caught at the prom

"Don't worry, I can handle it, plus I'll be your wingwoman" said Luz, but Carrie needed to think about it for a couple of seconds.

And finally she decided to agree with her plan "Alright, but have to be an hour after the prom started" said Carrie, "Sure, I don't mind" said Luz.

Then Carrie really needed to leave so she can prepare for her big night, but before she left, Luz gave her a nice flower for her head, Carrie gave her a big hug, she was happy to have a friend like Luz.

Later that night, Carrie was already in her pink dress, still had the flower in her head, and about her amulet, she just saved for later if she ever saw Luz again.

Suddenly some came into her bedroom, it was her mother, she was really worried about Carrie, because she knew something wrong would happen at prom.

"He's not coming" said Margaret, "He is coming, mama" said Carrie, Margaret tried her best for keeping her home "Do you see, you mustn't go, I know you don't understand, but I'm try to protect you" "I don't need your protection" said Carrie, "I won't let you go" said Margaret.

"Please mama, I don't wanna fight you, I'm already nervous enough," said Carrie, almost losing her cool, but Margaret was getting so stressed and so upset that she started to hit herself, Carrie wasn't like that.

"Mama please, stop hurting yourself" said Carrie, "He's gotta laugh at you, they all gotta laugh at you!" said Margaret "you can stay with me instead, we'll do anything you want".

"I don't wanna stay with you mama" said Carrie, "I'll tell him you're sick, I'll tell it you changed your mind" said Margaret.

Carrie was getting so stressed, she used her power to push her mother into her bed and get her very still, but suddenly Carrie heard a sound of a car stopping, and it was Tommy, Carrie was finally ready.

Margaret once again tried to get her to stay home, but Carrie used her telekinesis again to put her back in the bed.

"You stay right here and not say a word until I'm gone" said Carrie as she is leaving her bedroom and going down stairs finally on her way to the prom with Tommy.

Margaret thought Carrie's powers had already gone too far. "I can't let a witch live to suffer" she said as she was planning something really bad.

Meanwhile at the boiling isles, Luz was waiting for the time for her and friends to go to Carrie's universe and see how her prom night is.

She was getting ready as she put on a purple cape that Eda made for her. and her 3 friends were in their Hexside uniforms.

"Alright, are you guys ready to do this?" Luz said, "Yes" said Willow, Gus and Amity, "and so, when are we going to be there?" Gus asked.

"We only have 55 minutes until we are ready to go" said Luz, "Alright, in the meantime, maybe you should tell us the time you went to your first mission with Team Toons" said Willow.

"Oh man, when to even start" said Luz as she started to tell her first adventure with Team Toons.

Meanwhile back in Chamberlain, Maine, Carrie and Tommy arrived at the prom and when they got there, everyone was pretty amazed by the couple.

Tommy's friends, George and Frieda came closer to say hello, Tommy and George got a weird greet with each other by hitting up but friendly.

Frieda didn't like it, she even said she'll dance with Carrie if the boys murder each other, then Norman and Helen came closer to Carrie, really loving her dress.

"I really love your dress, where did you get it?" Frieda asked, "I made it" said Carrie, the girls thought she was joking but she really loved the dress and started to accept her as part of the group, but Tina looked at the shy girl, she secretly felt disgusted by her.

"Hey, Carrie you're looking very nice" said Tina "And Frieda, you look good", but Frieda didn't feel like Tina was actually disgusted by them. "Tina. Piss off!" She said as Tina got offended by her words as she left to the other side of the gym.

Carrie giggled a little and Frieda showed her to the table where Tommy and George were sitting.

Some minutes passed by, Carrie got a little talk with her teacher Miss Collins to compliment her dress, Tommy texted Sue, he actually missed her, but for some reason she didn't respond.

Meanwhile outside the school, a magical glimmer appeared and it was Luz, Willow, Gus and Amity, they finally arrived at Carrie's world thanks to Luz's amulet.

Then they were looking for the nearby window of the gymnasium and finally found it. All they could see was a beautiful prom, Luz never saw anything like that before, and her witch friends were amazed by a human school dance, it was nothing like a groom.

Amity got the gang to see Carrie dancing with Tommy, they felt so happy for her, seeing her dancing and being happy almost made Luz cry.

"So what's the plan again?" Willow asked, "Oh yeah the plan!" Said Luz as she reviewed her plan to get into the gym without being spotted, "So, me and Amity will get in there, there are two entrance in the back so we we go separately, while you and Gus stay here and keep a lookout, but the three of you, have your hoodies on" and so the plan was in action

Willow, Gus and Amity got their hoodies on for caution and to be safe around humans seeing witches around.

Amity was in the front, she was avoiding the other kids who were getting out from prom, but then Amity saw Sue getting into the gym, so she followed her and finally got in without being noticed.

Meanwhile. Luz got in the back of the entrance, only see two other teens getting to the doors by Tina, it's was Luz change to act, so she left her bag in a near trash can very hidden and go inside quickly, but what she didn't know, those two teenagers who got into the back were Chris and Billy.

And things were about to mess up.

End of Chapter 11.

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