Chapter 14

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Amity dealt with Chris and Billy by tying them up and writing a sign about what they were about to do to Carrie.

And then she was on her way to find the gang, but then she pumped into Sue and Tommy who were following her.

"Sue?". Amity asked "what are you doing?"

"Well, by the time the light went on at prom, you and Carrie weren't there, everybody thought you guys were kidnapped or run away" said Sue "Wait, why are your ears pointing?"

And Amity covered her ears and blushing, "Wait a minute, are you a magical creature?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, I am, but I'm a witch" Amity confessed.

"Woah, so that girl Miss Collins was about to be kicked out was your friend?" Sue asked.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter, I need to get to Carrie and the rest of my friends and fast," said Amity.

"Let's get to my car," said Tommy as he and the girls went all the way to find the rest of the gang.

They were on their way until they heard scream from  a far distance.

"Wait a minute, did you hear something?" Amity was the first heard the sound "I think it sounds like Luz, Willow, Gus and Carrie"

"You don't think they can be in danger?" Sue asked.

"If they are, we have to go there and safe them" said Amity "Tommy, how fast can you go?".

"I'm on it" said Tommy as he pull as fast as he can to get to their destination.

Meanwhile back at the Dead-end street, Carrie and the rest were trying to back up in fear while Margaret was getting a very closer they thought she could.

"Carrie, what are we going to do now?" Gus asked "if only there another way to get out".

But after what Gus said she had a plan, she still remembers her second power of teleportation, so the tell whispered to Luz about it, so she agreed on it s

Then Margaret get closer with the knife about to stab at Carrie put she activated her teleport power and teleported her, Luz, King, Willow and Gus 30 feet away from her mother.

"King, go back to the owl house and get Eda and Lilith, we need all the help we need" Said Luz as he gave her amulet to King and of course he activated the portal to the boiling isles and went trough it.

After that Willow have the idea of making a hedge leaf to keep Margaret to come closer so they have the chance to run away as faster they can.

They ran away so fast that they stop in shocked after some headlights was in their faces, but they hear a familiar voice and shadow silhouette.

"Guys, come in, I know a place we can hide", it was Amity with Sue and Tommy.

"Amity!" They said as the run and get in the car when they saw Margaret cutting through the hedge.

"COME ON, LETS GET THE HECK OUT OF HER" Luz screamed as Tommy started the engine and all the dust in Margaret's face and coughed and saw how the car getting far with an angry face, but she knew a shortcut to where they were going.

"So, where are we going?" Willow asked.

"The abandoned cemetery " said Sue "I'm sure we'll be save in there".

So they got a short cut road to the abandoned cemetery and when they arrived everyone get out and went inside, everyone but Sue and Tommy because Carrie locked the car doors and use her telekinesis to hide them.

"Carrie, what are we doing!?" Tommy asked panicked.

"I'm so sorry, guys, I can't put you in danger, I already have caused enough problems" said Carrie, "I Don't want my mother gets you too"

"But-" Sue was interrupted when Carrie hiding them very quickly.

And then Carrie catches up with the rest of the gang,

End of chapter 14.

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