Chapter 12

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Everyone at the prom was voting for the king and queen.

Luz and Amity were trying their best in not being seen, luckily Luz found a table closer where Carrie was sitting and hiding in there.

So Luz remained quiet under the table until she caught her friend attention

Meanwhile, Carrie and Tommy were about to decide who should vote, "It's seen so hard" said Tommy, "Yeah, there's more of your crowd than mine. Well I don't have a crowd" said Carrie.

"Let's just vote for ourselves then" said Tommy, but Carrie wasn't sure about this, "Please don't", she said.

"Come on, to the Devil with false modesty" said Tommy as he voted for Carrie and himself, and Carrie didn't have a choice but to go for it, "To the devil with it" she said as she voted.

"Pallets please" said Tina, and Carrie and Tommy gave their votes to her and she went with the rest.

"Hey, you don't mind if I go to see how George and Frieda are doing?" Tommy asked, Carrie didn't say a thing, but she didn't mind at all.

Suddenly Carrie heard someone try to call her, and then she saw Luz under the other table, "Hey Care Bear" said Luz whispering.

"Luz!, I'm so glad you're here" said Carrie whispering, as she held the table blanket to let Luz come out quickly like a ninja. And then starting to talk in private.

"Hey, I see you having a good time C" said Luz smiling, "Yeah, but you don't have to go through this" said Carrie getting cursor about her friend.

"It's okay, I just want to support you on your big night" said Luz, "Oh Luz, you're such a nice friend" said Carrie feeling so good to have Luz with her.

"Yeah, I mean, you're lucky to have a good prom date like that boy" said Luz doing that thing when friends know they have a crush on someone.

"Yeah, but it won't last long, plus I only have Tommy for tonight, I'm sure someday I'll find someone else" said Carrie but looking a little upset, but Luz to one hand to her hand trying to comfort her, "I'm sure you will" then Carrie smiled at her.

But then, Tommy was coming back then Luz decided to hide under the table as fast as she could.

"Don't worry Luz, we'll be out of prom soon, I promise" said Carrie whispering as she covered the table blanket and then Tommy was sitting down, Carrie pretending like nothing happened.

Meanwhile, Amity was looking at Carrie and Tommy talking from a hiding distance, weird she just saw her crush talking with her shy friend, which it was weird, guess Amity will never understand a human weird ways.

When Amity was about to move faster, she suddenly pumped up to Sue from her back. "Hey, watch it doofus!" She said without yelling aloud, "Oh, I'm sorry" Sue apologized.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were sneaking out too" said Amity, "It's good, I only came to see my boyfriend talking to a girl in need of assistance" said Sue, Amity knew what Sue was talking about when she turned back to see Carrie.

"Oh, that's actually nice" said Amity, of course she heard about all the girls from Carrie's school who were mean to her, but Sue was not like them, she saw her like she actually is a good person to Carrie, and she also would do everything to be her friend and help her.

"So, what are you here for?" Sue asked, Amity knew Sue could find out about Luz's plan, so she improved.

"I know I'm not a student here, but I really wanted to see a high school school dance and my parents never allowed me to, but I guess I'm a little independent. Amity lied.

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