Chapter 9

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It was a late storming night, someone was breaking into Carrie's School, it was Chris Hargensen and her boyfriend Billy Nolan.

Chris wasn't so pleased about being kicked out from her own senior prom and she heard the news about Tommy going to prom with Carrie instead of Sue.

So she had a chance to take revenge on Carrie White, so what she did is asked Billy to kill some pigs and take their blood to put it in a bucket, so Billy whet to the top of the stage, at try to put a rope but some drops of blood fell and almost got Chris

"Watch it you stupid shit!, you getting blood everywhere" said Chris getting mad, "Who you calling "stupid shit", this is your idea!" Said Billy getting annoyed by her sass.

"You darn right it is, when the time comes, I'll put the rope and the stupid bitch will be cover in pig's blood, and I'll have the last laugh" said Chris imagining her sweet revenge.

Next day after class, Carrie wasn't being herself, so she went back to the owl house, "Oh hey C, how is it going-" said Luz but she noticed Carrie was pretty upset, "Carrie, what's wrong, why are you looking so upset?" .

Carrie didn't say anything, but she didn't have any choice but to say, "I accidentally showed my powers to my mother Last night!!" Carrie shouted as she started to cry.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Lilith heard what Carrie said, "Lilith, take it easy" said Luz, "No!, I wanna hear it from her, alone!" Said Lilith very upset as she put Carrie's arm and as she walked with her to her room and talked to her.

"Tell me what happened last night!!" said Lilith, demanding to know, so Carrie told her everything.

"Well, mama and I where having dinner and it was the time to told her I was invited to senior prom and I was going there with a boy named Tommy who is my date, then she was starting to talk crazy about what will boys do to a woman, but I was keep telling her that no all the boys are like that, not even Tommy, but she was forbidden me to not go to prom and then I was to stressful I unleash my powers and closed the windows and I guess mama was terrified and she started to call me..." suddenly Carrie stopped. "Call you what?" Lilith asked, Carrie talked into a soft voice, "a witch" Lilith was shocked, but she was very upset about Carrie breaking her promise to Eda.

"This was the kind of danger Eda and I warned you about" "But I didn't mean to do that!" Said Carrie in tears "Eda and Luz trusted in you, I trusted in you, but now your powers got out of control" said Lilith "No, they're not" said Carrie protesting "I'm sorry Carrietta, but for your own safety, you can't go to your human school dance" What Lilith said for Carrie to surprise, "Oh no!, not you too!" Said Carrie getting terrified.

"I know you don't like this, but trust me, I don't want to use yours powers to hurt people" said Lilith, "I won't hurt anyone, I would never hurt Luz or Eda", said Carrie

"Oh really, what happens if you do, if everyone in your universe knew about your powers, what would they think of you, do you really think your classmates or even your mother will accept you as who you are if you ever show those powers?" Lilith's words were so frustrating to Carrie that she snapped and used her telekinesis to push Lilith and yell "SHUT UP ALREADY!" Lilith got a little hurt but not injured.

"You. You just like mama!!, I knew i should never trust you!. I will go to that prom and you're not going to stop me" said Carrie as she was leaving Lilith's room as says one last word before that "Don't ever talk to me again!" And then she shut the door very hard.

Lilith knew she was really hard on her on the shy girl, she really pushed her to her limit, and she felt bad about it, but she knew Carrie won't speak to her, she was really upset for how she treated Carrie

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