They're Gonna Taste My Venom Pt.2

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Spideypool, Deadpool, Language, Mild Smut, TW: Abuse, Blood, Sexual Assault and Sexual Content.
Venom in Peter's head.
"Booooohoooo" Venom said.
^Talking to someone in a physical presence.
Kay read now.

Peter awoke with a jolt. The chestnut haired boy dashed to his bathroom and immediately spewed up chunks of food and black liquid. Peter wiped away the slight black ooze having been doing this since he was twelve, Peter became a natural at throwing up the things Venom wouldn't eat. "Could you like...Not be so fucking picky for once!? It's like everything I try to eat you just don't want, and we can't keep disemboweling bad guys. It's been in the news lately and I'm trying to lay low."
"Wow, way to achieve symbiosis buddy."
Peter stood 5'8, seventeen shaggy brown hair and the capability to swear like a trucker.

Spandex was soon pulled over the spiders head as he suited up. Peter opened his window and swung to the nearest rooftop, landing with a slight "umph". "Getting old Spidey?" A darkened voice came from across the rooftop. Not turning around Peter stayed silent, Venom however decided to voice his opinion "Can we kill him?" Peter then replied a little too loudly "No!" The figure behind Peter giggled "Are you like me then?"

Spiderman turned now looking at the figure red and black spandex with an unusually unsettling white covering the mans eyes. This person before Peter stood 6'2, and started walking towards him.

Please skip to the phrase "TW: End" if these topics may trigger you.
Remember that you are valid and loved, and that your past does not define the amazing person you are today.


Peter shrunk back, his heart rate escalating at the memories flashing before him. Hands roaming, eyes wandering, the camera and the assortment of beers, belts, gags, and ropes that were stashed away. Steel blue eyes and perfect blonde hair...tears streamed at Peters eyes as he hyperventilated. Scars from broken bottles, mangled limbs, belts, and those not visible burned as Peter attempted to scratch through his mask. Deadpool's eyes widened and he lowered his voice "Spiderman? It's okay. You're okay." Deadpool's voice didn't tremble and held compassion as he spoke. Red and black replaced the blue and blonde as Deadpool moved closer to Peter. Breathing slowed as Wade moved to cradle the boy. Peter hates being touched, but this person made Peter feel unusually calm. Venom was silent.


A repulser blast fired in the distance, approaching Peter and Wade. Deadpool grabbed the frail boy and pulled him away from the blast. "How are you sleeping at a time like this?!"

"PUT SPIDERMAN DOWN!" Gold and red flashed in front of the pair...

"Ughhshshskebsms" Peter groaned waking up. "Go help him before your father kills him."

Peter stood seeing his Dad (Tony), his Pops (Steve/Strange), his Auntie Nat, and Papá Hawk. Freaking at the sight Peter immediately jumped down in front of Deadpool "Uh- Please don't kill him...He just pulled me from a Panic Attack..." Tony turned towards Peter "Do you even know who this is Spiderman?" Peter looked at his dad and shook his head. "Deadpool. He's a mercenary. He kills people for a living and you're telling me he was compassionate?"

Peter looked down, "Yes." "Can I de-liver them?" Peter rolled his eyes and whispered under his breath "No Venom, you know them." Deadpool heard this and snickered. In response, Natasha threw a Widow's Bite almost hitting Deadpool. This made Peter angry for reasons he couldn't explain. Black patches splashed through the spider suit, Venom mutating from Peter's neck and speaking. "I'm sorry, I couldn't breathe in all this spandex..." Venom spoke in a rasping tone. "No no, it's fine just appear when ever you want and let everyone know you exist yeah?" Peter replied in a snarky tone. "Will do" Venom responded. The two argued like a married couple for a few minutes before Clint fired an arrow at the mutation. Venom laughed and took Peter over completely. The black mass went on a rampage, grabbing Tony and throwing him into the air. Venom looked at the other Avengers and tilted his head, "My only job is too protect Spiderman. So we can do this the hard way if you'd like." Cap lowered his shield/ Stephen dropped his hands looking at the mass.

Deadpool chose this time to stand in front of Venom and start speaking. "I know you want to protect Spidey, but why don't you let him come back and we can talk our way out of this. Fighting isn't the answer here." Wade turned on his heel, looking towards the Avengers "I'll agree not to kill in the area if Spiderman doesn't get in trouble for defending me." Wade's voice hardened, it was nothing like the soft comforting tone he had used to talk with Venom.

A sloshing sound came from behind Deadpool, the bottom half of Peter's face mask was revealed. Bright pink cheeks and light freckles accompanied Spiderman's jawline. Hole and patches were missing from Peter's suit as he stood behind Wade...

Your turn!

Comment here for Cap/Strange to take the deal.

Comment here for Cap/Strange not to take the deal.


Comment here for Stephen to be his Pops.

Comment here for Steve to be his Pops.

Lemme know! Also, next chapter should be out in around 2 weeks to a month, depends on how fast results come in!


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