22.5K 774 1.3K

You had gained quite a lot of followers on twitter over the past week. You had seen a few artists make fanart of you, which looked super cute. You made sure to retweet and reply to all of them, as you appreciated the fact that these people had taken time to draw you. Somewhere you thought you didn't deserve it, because you hadn't gotten these new 'fans' yourself, but through Tommy.

You saw another bunch of notifications on Twitter. However, one in particular stood out to you.

'WilburSoot followed me?'

You scrolled a bit further, and noticed that Ph1lza had also given you a follow. You decided to go to their accounts to make sure it was for real, and next to their name a little square appeared with the text 'follows you'. You silently fangirled in your head and made two quick screenshots. That's when you noticed that you got a new DM. A DM from WilburSoot.

You saw that it had only been from a few minutes ago, so you decided to leave it be for a while. You didn't want to reply too quick. You weren't that desperate. Except you were. You were dying to see what he had send you. So after waiting only 2 minutes, you clicked on it.

'Wanna join us for MCC? I know you never streamed before, but that shouldn't be a problem. I can get you in'

'It'll be funny, Tommy would never see it coming'

You stared at the texts. You took a deep breath in, before letting it go out, making a weird high-pitched noise in the process. You then texted him back.

'Don't I need to have like, at least a channel or something?'

A reply came almost immediately.

'You can make one, and stream like once or twice before the tournament'

'Just try and get as many viewers as possible, and hope that it's enough'

'And you're serious about this?'


'I also talked it over with my boys, they also think it's a good idea. Who better to destroy Tommy with than his best friend?'

'Techno even offered to train you beforehand'

'I swear I'm not bad'

'Well, you wanna join?'

'Hell yeah'

'Don't tell Tommy :)'

You immediately went to Twitch. First things first, you needed a good profile picture. After a while of scrolling through your gallery, you decided to keep it simple and picked the same picture you had on Twitter. After that you decided to text Tommy.



'I wanna stream'

'Stream then'

'U gotta help me'

'I'm tired'

'No ur not'

'I can hear u scream'


'I'll be there in a few min'

A few minutes turned into half an hour, but that was okay. It was fine. You weren't mad at all.

"I hate you," you said as soon as Tommy opened the door to your room.
"How nice to see you too."
"Now help me-"
"Alright, you impatient doorknob. Why do you want to stream all of a sudden?"
"Seems like fun," you mumbled.
"Wow, you didn't even question the doorknob. But yeah, I'll help you."
"Yesss Tommy, you're the best. I love you," you said while giving him a hug.
"You said you hated me like 5 seconds ago."
"I have grown up and I have realised my past mistakes, for which I apologise." You said, placing your hand on your chest and wiping away a fake tear.
"You are so stupid."


Gonna stream for the first time! @tommyinnit will be there as well, and yes I am using him to get more views.

You pasted the link to your brand new twitch account under the tweet and sent it. Right after that, you started streaming. You had Tommy's old microphone still and had set up a face cam as well. Tommy was in your discord call, ready to go.

The stream went pretty good, you personally thought. You had about 700 viewers, which was actually more than you had expected. You did get some negative comments, talking about how you were lifting of off Tommy's success, but you already had expected that. You weren't planning to stream any more than this stream and MCC, and you would explain it to the people after MCC was over. You had turned off subs, because it made you feel bad since the viewers didn't know yet that this was a onetime only thing.


Sorry for the late update! I totally did not completely forget about it or anything pshhhh I would never--

Anyways, thanks for reading, and see you next chapter!

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