Chapter 3

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A/N: The flashback is ongoing, so every time I mention high school it's taking place 4 years ago

Continuation of Flashback(4 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

Nathan let out a dry laugh. "Wow looks like you found someone to protect you?" He rubbed his forehead as if in deep thought."Well it looks like you're getting him in trouble, too."

I opened my mouth to retaliate but Mr. Mysterious pushed me behind him.

"What the hell do you want from her?" The guy said still shielding me like he was my bodyguard. He was taller than Nathan and was built a little more muscularly.

"Listen man, just hand her over and me and my buddies won't touch you" Nathan attempted reasoning with him. 

I gulped. Well I guess I might as well use the self defense moves I learned from my grandpa right now. There's no way in hell this random stranger is going to face off 4 guys for some girl who ran into him.

The guy looked over his shoulder at me. He gave me a curt nod. I was confused, what is he gonna do?  I prayed again silently that there'd be a chance where he'd help me.

"Listen man, I don't care who the hell you and your losers are" He cocked his head towards Nathan's friends. "But you're not gonna touch her." He replied. He looked over at me again this time with a small smile.

I couldn't believe it a total stranger was coming to my rescue. Alhamdullilah (praise be to God).

John then lunged to me pulling my sleeve when I kicked him in the shin again. He winced in pain then reached for me again when the new guy began choking him. He lifted John up and pushed against the wall.

"I said no one is gonna lay a hand on her," He continued to choke John until John started to redden. 

"Hey, HEY! Let go of him he's gonna pass out" I said lightly tugging on the new guy's jacket. 

He immediately dropped John who was now panting for air. 

Nathan freaked out and I saw his blue eyes fill with actual fear for once. His whole group was shaken up actually. He was actually scared of this guy. I mean I would be too if he wasn't there to protect me. He scrambled to get on his feet and the guy pulled him by his collar.

"NOW if I ever see your miserable face come near her or ANY girl I will-"

"NO! NO I SWEAR ON MY GRANDMA YOU WON'T! I SWEAR!" Nathan was practically shivering. I saw his group slowly back away. "Please let me go! This bit- I mean girl kneed me in the balls first okay, and she - she - even twisted my arm before and then she hit my other friend John just cause he-" He stuttered.

The guy let out a deep laugh. He ran his hands through his brown hair. "So you mean to tell me, a girl whooped your a** publicly and right now and you thought you could prove yourself by hitting her." He paused and his voice became cold again. "You're pathetic, if you thought hitting her would improve your image. Because trust me nothing will change the fact that you're an insecure coward."

Nathan turned to me and began to apologize. He started rambling on about how he got his aggressive nature from his dad. Go figure I thought. I always knew he must've had daddy issues or something. Whatever I didn't want to have to carry worry with me every time I walked in the halls so I just nodded to whatever he said.

Nathan was about to apologize again before the guy grabbed him again. "HEY! You're lucky I'm new but if I see you-"

"You'll end me I know I KNOW!" He panicked and quickly helped John up and bolted to the stairs. His friends ran with him. That weird John dude was limping though. 

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