Chapter 53

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Continuation of Flashback (2 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

I got out of my car and rang the doorbell feeling myself grow increasingly impatient. When did I become Ahmed? 

"The door is open." A dull voice echoed. 

I opened the door smiling. This is easier than I thought. I can fix this mess in no time.

"Who is it at this hour?" I see the notorious Zayn Badri peer from the sofa. "Dear God. I just let the trash in." He sneers at me.

"I think the trash has always been here." I smile at him cocking my head to him. 

"What do you want?" He massages his temples boredly. "Another check?" He smirks at his remark.

"No, I'm here to tell you to try harder on trying to keep Ahmed and I apart."

"Oh don't worry, I will." He replies. "Now what is it that you want?"

"I want you to be a proper father!" I say with my voice rising.

"What would you know about proper?" He laughs.

"A lot more than you ever will." I fire back.

"Is that so? What does little Ms. Sairah have to offer as advice?"

"Quit being a lousy excuse of a father who is leaving his child on his own simply because of his freaking pride-"

"Watch your mouth!" He gets up from the sofa. "Ahmed deserves being cut off!"

I ignore him continuing, "quit being an insufferable privileged brat-"

"Shut your mouth!"

"Quit repeating your mistakes! Quit letting your pride get in the way of everything!" I blurt out letting all my anger out. How dare he hurt Ahmed all these years with his manipulation? How dare he think ill of my family?

"Sairah!" Zayn's eyes were filled with malice. "Get the hell out of my house right now!"

"Oh I will!" I say looking him dead in the eye. "But when I leave, it'll just be you-- all alone-- in the house because you've driven everyone you love away from you!" I take my purse and stomp away when Zayn yells again.

"What do you know about love?" He sneers.

"I clearly know more than you because look at it this way," I step closer to him with an even tone, "my house is full with people I love and who love me while yours is withering away in its emptiness."  I step back analyzing his face. "Do something before the house takes you down with it."

I see something flash in Zayn's blank eyes and I leave before hearing him trying to curse me out.

Would Ahmed be mad that I paid a visit to his dad-- actually he's not much of a dad to Ahmed these days-- but still. I began biting my lip nervously. I didn't know what else to do. Ahmed had to finish his term at NYU. He won't be robbed of his education just because his dad is feeling petty. 

I shut my eyes tightly before driving. Dang it! I knew I got more heated then I should've. Once again I was betrayed by my own body's hormones. Without even knowing, I started tearing up. I think I made things worse. Why do I always make Ahmed's life worse? It's all my fault.

I started driving while tears were still strolling down. When I got to my house I practiced smiling in the mirror to control my 'sad Sairah' face.  I didn't want anyone to see me with my waterworks going on right now. Especially not Ahmed. It's a good thing I'm not seeing him today then.

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