Chapter 22

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Continuation of Flashback(4 years ago):

Ahmed's POV:

I felt my heart ache when I saw her wrist bruised. Who the hell did that guy think he is? How dare he lay a hand on her?\

Sairah's strong though, she never shows her true emotions. That's one thing I learned about her. She always puts up a front and never lets anyone know her pain or struggle. Not Nina nor Amina even know what goes on in her mind sometimes.

I look at her as she ices her wrist. "What? You've never seen a girl icing her bruised wrist at a wedding before?" She asks sarcastically.

I laugh shaking my head. "Only you would make a casual joke after something like that."

"It's who I am. Sarcasm is in my soul." She shrugs.

"It only adds to your charm." I say softly.

Sairah looks up at me and her amber eyes engulf my blue ones. I feel myself become so vulnerable under her gaze. She immediately looks down blushing profusely. "So you think I'm charming?" She bits her lip holding in a smile. She looks so beautiful Mashallah! 

"I think you're a lot of things." I say coyly leaning against the counter.

"Is Mr. Badri being brutally honest right now." She gasps dramatically. "I am very impressed."

I chuckle at her shocked face. "When have I not been honest." I tilt my head to look at her in her eyes. "It's you who's always playing games."

"Really?" She crosses her arms over her chest putting the ice pack down. 

"Yes. But you are right I haven't been honest about something tonight." I move a little closer to her leaving a good gap between us. 

She looks at me confused and I can sense her uneasiness because she starts to fidget with her sleeves. 

"Sairah Bukhari, I- I think I'm falling for you" I whisper and I look at her eyes.

"No I'm sorry let me rephrase.  I know I'm falling for you." I repeat looking in her eyes. "I fell for you the moment we met I never knew it myself."

Sairah is still blushing like crazy but her face is still stoic. Great! What if she doesn't love me back? "Seriously what is wrong with you!" She yells annoyed. She moves out of the way and throws her ice pack into the trash.

Damn. She is really mad. I definitely messed up.

My heart starts to race. "You say you've loved for a while now but you only tell me now?" She looks up at me angry. "What took you so long?" She asks breathlessly.

I smile at her feeling relieved. "I-- I-"

"You what? Thought that I was telepathic and I could just sense that you loved me?" She huffs crossing her arms over her chest. "And it doesn't help that I've fallen for you, too" Her baby brown eyes sunk down as she pouted. 

Wait WHAT? She's FALLEN for me too?! Alhamdulillah (praise be to God)! 

"You- you feel the same way?" I ask in awe.

"Of course I do!" She smiles at me.

"Hey dimwit you there?" Sairah snaps her fingers in front of my face laughing. 

I snap out of my day dream. Dang it! That was just what I wanted to happen.

"S-Sairah," i stutter. This is it. I'm going to tell her-- for real!

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