Chapter 33

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Continuation of Flashback (3 years):

Ahmed's POV:

I felt a pang in my chest. I deserved that. I was a complete a** to her. She deserved better. As much as I wanted to be with her... a lot-- I knew in my heart she deserved someone better.

I shouldn't have come. I only made things worse and not just for myself, but for her. I decided there's no use in staying here for another week when the one person I wanted-- no... needed-- to talk to wouldn't talk to me. I sigh and pull out my phone to schedule a booking when her door opens. Her eyes are all puffy and I feel my heart tighten again. I did that. I can't believe I made her cry.

"Sairah, I-" I wanted to tell her how sorry I was. "I'm sorry for everything. For making you hate me and for changing you."

She lets out a dry laugh. "Don't flatter yourself Badri." She dries her eyes and to be honest she looked so beautiful with the sunlight hitting her skin perfectly Mashallah. "You sure as heck haven't changed me. I'm still the same witty, sarcastic, bold woman I've always been." She pauses and studies me for a second before tilting her head to the side. "You've changed though."

I raise an eyebrow at her. "How do you mean?"

She steps closer. "You've lost your charm." She continues to step closer. "You've lost yourself." She takes another step. "And now you've lost me." She says softly and she gives me a sad smile.

I felt my heart race. Sairah always had that effect on me. There was a good 3 feet between us but she still made me feel like this. But when those words slipped out of her mouth I- I felt like my heart had been ripped out. Her eyes were blank and she didn't look at me the same way anymore. She didn't even hate me anymore. She just didn't care. And that scared me.

"Sairah h- how... how can you just-"

"Just please be gone from my apartment by the time I get back." Her voice was tired.

She heads outside and I'm still trying to process what just happened. You know what screw being the better guy. I'm not giving up on Sairah and I. I love her too much to let her go and I didn't care how long it would take to convince her to forgive me. For her the wait would be worth it.

I head out of her apartment to follow her when I see her talking to a girl.

"Do you know where a 'Mr. Badri' is?" She twirled her hair and she was chewing her gum loudly. Shoot! I remember this girl. We met her at the pizza place and Marco gave her Sairah's apartment number as a joke.

"Who are you?" Sairah asks too exhausted to deal with her.

"No one yet. But hopefully his girlfriend." She replies batting her eyelashes. I choke back a laugh.

I see Sairah's jaw tick and she clasps her hands together looking the girl dead in the eye. "Listen sweetie, can I let you in on a secret." The girl nods wide eyed. "Ahmed Badri is actually married."

The girl gasps. "No way! But- but"

Sairah puts a hand on the girl's shoulder empathizing. "I know. He lies to everyone. It's what he does."

The girl pouts and crosses her arms over her chest while I laugh feeling relieved. So she does care still. "Wait how can I trust you?" She gives Sairah a skeptical look. "For all I know you're probably some wack job ex."

"Listen um- what's your name?"

"Samantha." The girl give Sairah a dirty look.

"Yea okay. Samantha, I'm not interested in Ahmed. Nor have I ever dated him. I'm just doing my job as a caring human." Sairah gives her a fake smile.

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