Chapter 32

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Continuation of Flashback (3 years ago):

Ahmed's POV:

I knew it was going to be hard on me to come back to LA. Especially after I left just like that. Leaving her. 

But Yusuf told me I owed it to her and everyone else to visit LA. And obviously I had to settle something with my dad. Let's just say I find out some disturbing news. But, in return my dad wants me to settle in New York permanently.

I couldn't do that. My heart wouldn't let me-- not when it still beats for Sairah.

When I came I looked into her amber eyes and I- I felt lighter. Like all my pain and worries disappeared. Ironic isn't it. The one who made my heart hurt can heal it, too. 

Just seeing her made me forget all between us. I wanted to restart so bad but I knew Sairah wouldn't let that happen. She despised me. Not once did I reach out to her even after I found out-

I see through the restaurant window a guy grabbing Sairah's arm. My heart felt like it was on fire. Who the hell does he think he is to touch her? I know I have no opinion since I left her but she still owned my heart. 

My blood boils seeing him behaving like that so I rush out the restaurant.

"Stay the hell away from her you a**hole! And never even look her way again!" Adam shrinks in my grip. "Do you understand!" I grip his collar more tightly. 

I see Sairah looking at me her mouth agape and her eyes wide and then she rolls her eyes. Great! She's still pissed. 

Adam stumbles out of my grip hastily. I turn to Sairah in hopes of some sort of appreciation. But you know Sairah, keeping everyone on their toes. "You weren't needed. In case you forgot I kind of have a reputation on handing jerks pretty well." She crosses her arms over her chest smirking. 

Ouch! She's still got that fiery personality alright! The one that made me fall for her. Completely.

"Oh I know you do." I wink at her smirking then head back into the restaurant. I catch a glimpse of her and the blush slowly creeped up on her cheeks. So I still have an effect on her... damn okay I can work with that.

"You really screwed up with her you know that." Nina gives me a disapproving glare.

"Yea and you're going to have work for it 10x as hard. But then again we're talking about Sairah, so maybe even more." Amina narrows her eyes at me.

"Hey, cut him some slack. You don't even know what happened between them." Yusuf tries to subdue the death stares from Amina and Nina. 

Amina raises an eyebrow laughing. "Yea like you do."

"I don't." Yusuf shrugs. "It's none of my business." 

"Like hell it is!" Amina scoffs at him. "He's the reason why Sairah's smiles are all fake. Why her laughs are all forced. Why she has such a negative view on everything?" Amina snaps. 

I look up at her appalled. "I- I'm sorry I didn't know." I feel my heart sink. I didn't know I had hurt her that much. Sairah never showed her heartache.

"Of course you didn't!" Amina shakes her head. "No one knows anything about Sairah because she keeps everything bottled up. But Nina and I know better. " Amina gets up to leave with Nina. "And you should've known better."

"Amina!" Yusuf calls out to her.

"Nina come on rela-" Marco whines.

"Don't tell me to relax." She points a finger at him. "As far as I'm concerned Ahmed isn't our friend until he apologizes to Sairah." 

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