Chapter Five: Lorenzo

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Oliver's Point of View:

'Why would a Shadowhunter want to kill other Shadowhunters?' Will paced around the hall of the Institute, hands clasped behind his back. Since the Inquisitor had left, promising to be back in the next few days, Will hadn't stopped circling the other three.

The Inquisitor had told them as many details as the Clave knew so far about the murders. Nothing linked the Shadowhunters who'd been caught up in it so far apart from the fact they were all relatively young and from different shadowhunting families. The murderer was making his way North across Europe. Logically, it seemed that London would be the next target – especially considering how many young Shadowhunters lived there.

'Whatever it is. We need to take precautions and keep ourselves safe,' Charlotte said, 'I need to go to Henry.' Oliver hadn't met Henry Branwell yet but apparently he hardly ever left his laboratory apart from to eat and see Charles Buford. During the Clockwork War he'd ended up wheelchair bound, but with his constant inventions, he'd managed to build himself a chair, attached to the wall, that took him safely down the stairs. So Oliver had been told, anyway.

'I think I need to lie down.' Oliver knew it was an excuse that mortals often used to get out of awkward situations. Will and Tessa said nothing as he took the stairs to at a time before locking himself in his room. In front of him there were some initials engraved into the wall, 'E.H & L.O', tracing his fingers over the carving and wondering who they referred to. Could it be another Herondale?

Despite his excuse of lying down, he'd had no intention of doing such a thing. Pulling his bag out, he took out the information the Fae had given him for his task. Could he truly do it? His thoughts wandered as he thought of his reasons for everything he had to do. He'd just taken a glittering knife from its sheath at the bottom of the bag when a faint tapping came from his window.

'Enzo?' His eyes widened at the last person he had expected to see that day floating in front of his window, Faerie steed holding him in the sky. Oliver half sprinted across the room and thrust the window open, then did an approximation of whispering and shouting at the same time, 'you can't be here!'

'I had to see you.' The Fae boy shrugged and hopped off the white as snow horse, rolling to soften the impact as he landed on the floor of Oliver's room.

'If anyone finds out you're here we'll both be punished,' Oliver said, his heart beating faster in his chest for more than one reason.

'Haven't we always loved a bit of excitement?' There was a glint in Enzo's forest green eyes as he gave a lopsided grin.

'You know I have to stay on task.'

'Are you truly going to do it?' Enzo raised an eyebrow, taking a few steps closer to Oliver.

'I have no choice. We have no choice. You know this.'

'There are always choices,' He tucked an out of place piece of hair behind Oliver's ear, his hand lingering on the side of his high cheekbones.

'Not for us. They'd throw you in the dungeons if they knew you were here. Worse if they found out you were trying to stop their mission.' Oliver looked down at the ground, not able to bear making eye contact with Enzo any longer in case he did something he wouldn't be able to take back.

'Some things are worth the risk,' Enzo said, taking yet another step closer so both of their noses were almost touching.

'W-we can't,' Oliver said, but felt his resolve fading.

'I won't come by again if you truly don't want me to, but I'm here now. I've already taken the risk let's not waste it. And maybe in the process I can convince you to not do something you'll regret later?'

'Just this once, though I can promise nothing about going against the mission.'

'I guess that has to be enough for now.' Enzo gave a soft smile and pulled Oliver closer. It was a shame the good times would not last.

~~if you enjoyed a like or comment would mean a lot, it's ok if not though of course haha<3~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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