Chapter Eighteen

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A/N  18+  Warning.  Yes our guys will be at it again.    Just can't keep their hands to themselves.  ;)~   A lot will happen before that point so I hope you will still read even if you are not planning on reading that part.  It will be at the end and easy to skip if it not your thing.   Enjoy


          It was full dark outside when Joshua finally woke up. His eyes felt swollen and gummy when he opened them. He was achy all over and his stomach growled, unhappy at remaining empty since lunch.  His only comfort was the pair of arms that held him, and the warm breath of his other that blew across the back of his neck.

          "You awake now?" Larcin whispered. He stroked Joshua's arm. "How about we get up and get something to eat."

           Helping Joshua up, Larcin held his hand as he led him out to the kitchen. While Larcin heated up the plates of food Leavac had left them, Joshua set out eating utensils and cold drinks for the two at the high counter in the center of the kitchen. Joshua smiled slightly at the homey feel of the moment.

           As they ate, Silka and Leavac joined them. They had been sitting outside enjoying the night and the fire Silka had rekindled.

         "I have something'll want to see, Joshua.  My mother sent this a little while ago." Leavac used her comm to project a holo video onto the countertop.

            The video showed a man and woman dancing at some kind of gathering. Other people were around them but they were the main focus. The woman was Joshua's mother. He almost didn't recognize her, this lively, smiling woman dancing before him. She looked so beautiful, no hint of the scared face Joshua was used to seeing. The man dancing with her had to be his father. The physical resemblance was there, dark blue eyes, high bridge nose, broad shoulders. The way they looked at each other as they twirled around the dance floor you could tell they were very much in love.

           "His name was Chase Andon," Leavac told him. "This was the last video my mother had of them. They had come home to announce to the family that they were expecting their first child, you. Shortly after they went back to work it was reported that they were both killed when the ship they were to navigate mysteriously crashed. Their bodies were never recovered, supposedly destroyed in the crash. Even our investigators were fooled into believing it."

          Joshua felt a different kind of emptiness in his life was now filled. He finally knew who his parents were. It saddened him that he would never know them as a child should know his parents, but this was better than the limbo of uncertainty.

          "Thank your mother for me Leavac. You don't know how much this means to me," Joshua told her as she transferred the video to his comm.

          "Mother said Chase's parents are still alive. He was their only child and they grieved that their family line had died out with him. Mom has already told them about you. They can't wait to welcome their grandson."

           Grandparents? I have grandparents? Joshua was stunned by the thought.

          "Your parent's DNA will be registered at the central archives. With this we can get you registered as a citizen. Having their names will make it a lot faster." Larcin was excited about the prospect of soon being able to take Joshua home with him. "You will have to decide who's name you want to be registered by, your mother's or your father's."

           "I think I would like to take my father's name. Joshua Andon. Has a nice ring to it. Don't you agree?" Everyone smiled and agreed with him.

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