Chapter Twenty Five

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           The smell of coffee woke Joshua the next morning. In the kitchen Larcin stood, dressed for work and sipping a cup. Joshua got up and joined him.  His back hurt from sleeping on the couch but it was nothing to the ache he felt in his heart.  When he went to put his arm around Larcin's waist and give him a good morning kiss Larcin moved away, avoiding both his hand and lips.  Joshua dropped his arm limply to his side.  

          "I have to go," Larcin told him. "I have a couple of early flights this morning."

          "It's the weekend.  I didn't think you had any classes today."

          "Ah..I almost forgot I promised to give a couple of my slower students so extra training.  I should be back early."  It was a lie and they both knew it.            

          "We need to talk about this," Joshua told Larcin's back as he headed for the door. "

           "I know. I'm just not ready." Larcin left without saying another word.

            Not wanting to face being alone in the apartment, Joshua decided to attend a special lecture at the school he was attending.  It wasn't that he needed to. He wasn't working toward a degree or anything. He was taking certain classes just to increase his knowledge of Joong economics. Like everything else about his new home, the financial climate of their world was shrouded in secrecy. He was presently auditing courses on contractual law, microeconomics, and advanced accounting principles. These would help him integrate his present holding into the existing economic structure of Joong without causing too much havoc. He was also working with several advisor who had been recommended to him. It was a delicate situation. Joshua's wealth and business holdings, if not handled properly, could crash Joong's current economic standing.  Concentrating on the complicated financial situation he found himself in would help keep his mind off his present personal complications.

            Entering the lecture hall, Joshua was not expecting the reception he received.  It was a large lecture hall with tiers of seats leading down to a central lecture podium. Normally, the students would be scattered throughout the seats, sitting in groups or alone. Though he was much older than the rest of the students, he had made a few friends he would sit with. Today the entire class was packed together in one section of seats. There wasn't a single empty seat among them. A barrier of coats and books were placed in the empty seats around the perimeter of the group. He saw a few people he thought he was friends with but they all avoided eye contact.  

         Joshua got the message but he wasn't about to give in to it. He took one of the empty seats nearest the podium and prepared his equipement to take notes. When the professor arrived, he saw the situation but didn't comment on it. He went on with his prepared lecture.

          Once the lecture was over, Joshua wasn't ready to face his empty apartment.  He decided to go to the nearest cafeteria for an early lunch. There weren't a lot of people in the cafeteria when Joshua got there but he could hear the silence that ensued as soon as he entered. Keeping his head held high, he collected his food and sat at an empty table to eat. He ignored the stares that surrounded him as he ate. When he was finished and headed for the exit he could hear conversations picking up, his and Larcin's names being mentioned often.

            "Gossip certain travels fast around here," he thought as he headed out.  He walked through the major shopping district of the enclave, window shopping.  He was killing time until he thought Larcin would be back.  He could feel the stares he was getting but refused to let it intimidate him.  His wanderings finally led him back to their apartment complex and he decided to go in.   

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