Chapter Twenty-One

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          "Why don't we go get some food? Maybe a couple of drinks?" Larcin suggested, breaking the somber mood. Looking around and not seeing anyone nearby he reached out and caressed the side of Joshua's hand. That brought a smile to both of their faces.

          Larcin took Joshua to his favorite cafeteria near the entrance to the enclave. He showed him how to use his ID to order and pay for their meals.

          Joshua insisted on paying for both of them. He'd had to do some finagling to get money transferred again into new accounts in a Joong financial institute under his new name. There was more he needed to do on the financial front. He had a lot more assets than even he was aware of. He was surprised that Jonathan hadn't done anything to try and block him. As it was, he had enough to keep him and Larcin comfortable for quite a while. Plus Larcin was still drawing a navigator's salary. Joshua was surprised at how much he was paid.

          Jonathan had only contacted him once since their confrontation on the island.   It was on highly encrypted signal so Joshua had no idea where he was calling from.    What had started out as a civilized conversation rapidly deteriorated into a shouting match. Jonathan kept insisting that Joshua was his son and that he needed to stop being delusional and come back where he belonged. This was interspersed with interjections of "How dare those (colorful expletives too rude to repeat) people interfere with his family, his businesses, his life". He refused to acknowledge that their "Laws" pertained to him.

          Joshua's flat out refusal to return infuriated Jonathan. His denial of Jonathan as his father enraged the man further. When Joshua suggested Jonathan would be better off turning himself in, Jonathan laughed. He declared it would be a snowy day on Arrakis before he let those people lay hands on him.  At that point the transmission was abruptly terminated.

          The next day Joshua was informed that all his access to corporate and joint assets had been revoked. Jonathan didn't really have any way to touch his personal accounts, but Joshua didn't put it passed him to try. He hurried to complete the asset transfers he had already initiated.  He considered going back to the hotel where Jonathan was to collect a few things but changed his mind. The only thing he had left behind he couldn't replace was the safe with the original picture of his mother. He got in touch with the hotel to see if he could get just that back. He was informed that Jonathan had left the hotel suddenly and all his belongings had been confiscated by the Joong authorities. The authorities informed Joshua he would get his personal items back as soon as they finished their investigation. Jonathan was being accused of numerous criminal charges but so far he had continued to eluded capture.

           "Do you think the authorities have found Jonathan yet?" Joshua asked as they ate.  It had been a couple of weeks since that last contact.  

          "I think you would have been contacted if they had. He's got to be hiding out somewhere on this planet. With all the alerts out for him I don't think he'd be able to leave."

           "I'm not so sure about that. With his money and connections , he could be anywhere."

           "Our people are pretty much everywhere too. Eventually he'll have to resurface somewhere. Sooner or later he'll pay for what he did."

          After finishing dinner, they went to the bar in the cafeteria . Larcin had commed Silka to join them. Silka was eager to. He was feeling lonely since Leavac had to go back home. Larcin and Joshua took seats at the bar while they waited for Silka.

          "How's it going Larcin?" the bar server greeted him. "Haven't seen you in here in a while. What can I get you? Same as last time."

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