CH. 1 ||Back to Akatsuka!

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Second Person

"Wowie, Akatsuka changed so much!" You exclaimed as you went to the Matsuno Household, it took you a while because your memory was fuzzy, you knocked on the door and yelled; "I'm home!" while smiling.

Someone opened the door, revealing your brother with a green hoodie. "A-Ah, Choromatsu-niisan, right?" You asked as he sweats and closed the door. You heard a scream and some questions like "Okaa-san?! Was that (Y/N)?!" "(Y/N)?!" "Huh?" and more as you sweat dropped.

The door opened again, revealing your eldest brother, Osomatsu. "Osomatsu-niisan!" You smiled as he smiled back. "(Y/N)!" He yelled as he hugged you. "Welcome back! You changed so much!" He exclaimed as you chuckled. "Not really, I still look like you, to be honest." You stated as you pulled out your phone and took a picture of you and your brother. "This will be in my memory!" You giggled as Osomatsu pulled you in the house.

"Guys! (Y/N) is back!" Osomatsu yelled as you looked away. "AAAH, (Y/N)!" The five showed up and tackled you on the ground. "We miss you so much!" Choromatsu cried as you sweat dropped. 'Why did you closed the door on me though?' You thought as they all cried. "Ah, my little burazza, (Y/N)!" Karamatsu joined in, crying. "My favorite little brother..!" Todomatsu yelled. "Don't leave us again!" Jyushimatsu added as you patted Ichimatsu's head. "This is new." You muttered while looking at Osomatsu. "Are there anything new from you?" Osomatsu asked as you think. "Well..." you trailed off. "Do you drink?" Choromatsu asked. "No, I puke it out when I drink, even just one shot." You simply replied as they hummed and nodded. "Do you say some inappropriate words?" Osomatsu asked. "Hmm, what I can say is shit, bitch, bastard, and fuck." You counted as they all screamed. "Do you even know what fuck means?!" 

", I only use it as an expression." You answered as they deadpanned. "Are you still a virgin?" Jyushimatsu asked with his usual smile. "What's a virgin?" You asked as they dulled. "Are you serious..?" They all said with their dull tone. "Y-You's like when you experience sex." Choromatsu stated as you tilted your head in confusion. "AAAH, THAT'S RIGHT!" Todomatsu screeched as the six of you hummed in confusion. "(Y-Y/N) WAS ABSENT WHEN WE WERE LEARNING ABOUT THAT!" Todomatsu stuttered as the sextuplets flinched. "EHH?!" 

"Hmm...yeah, I think I've been absent." You chuckled, scratching the back of your head. 'It means he has an innocent mind!' Karamatsu thought. 'And a pure heart!' Todomatsu added. 'He reminds me of Kamimatsu! But he swears!' Osomatsu exclaimed in their telepathy talk. "Do you have a girlfriend?" Ichimatsu asked out of the blue. "Nope, I only got a date twice. But they're just my friends." You answered honestly as they froze. 'So envious!' They all thought as you smiled. "Where's Okaa-san?" You asked them as your mother showed out of nowhere. "(Y/N)! I'm so happy that you're here!" Matsuyo exclaimed, hugging you tight. "Loosen..up...Okaa-san." You wheezed as she let go. "I'm glad you're here! I hope you and the sextuplets get along again!" Matsuyo said, going to her room. 


"I'm glad to be back!" You broke the silence as Todomatsu began to ask; "Have you found a job here yet?" as you shook your head. "Not yet..." You looked down. "I heard from Okaa-san that you guys are NEETs, is that true?" You asked as they flinched. "Well..- uh...- n-"

"Yep, we're NEETs." Osomatsu interrupted the five as they glared at the eldest brother. 'OSOMATSU-NIISAN! YOU IDIOT!' Choromatsu's eye twitched. 'Go to hell..!' Ichimatsu thought. 'Why the back stab!?!' Karamatsu thought as well. 'I WILL KILL YOU!' Todomatsu snarled. " that so..." you looked down. "I'll try my best to care of you guys!" You faced them, smiling widely. "(Y-Y/N)..." Osomatsu sniffed. "He's a God!" Choromatsu covered his teary eyes with his forearm. "Hm? Wh-Why are you guys crying?" You panicked as they shook their head. "Don't panic! It's just we're very happy to have you back!" Osomatsu replied. "I am too!" You responded, smiling brightly. 

"My NEETs and (Y/N)! Time to eat dinner!" Matsuyo called out as you and your brothers perked up. "It's already night?" You furrowed your eyebrows. "Well, let's eat!" Osomatsu exclaimed as Matsuyo puts the food on the dining table. "Itadakimasu!" You all yelled and dined in. "Oh, yeah, (Y/N), where are you gonna sleep?" Jyushimatsu asked as you looked up. "I have a futon, I think the futon you guys share is crowded by you guys, so I bought one for myself." You responded. "Are you sure you wanna sleep by yourself..?" Ichimatsu asked, concerned tone lacing in his voice. "Well, I dunno." You munched on your food. "You can sleep with us!" Todomatsu insisted as you shook your head. "No, no, I'll be a bother." You hummed as they sighed in defeated. "If you say so," Choromatsu looked down as you and your brothers finished eating. You closed your eyes and hummed happily. "Jyushimatsu-niisan," You called out as the said brother looked at you. "Do you wanna play baseball tomorrow?" You asked, giving him a closed eyes smile. "Really?!" Jyushimatsu asked as you nodded. "YES! Hustle hustle! Muscle muscle!" Jyushimatsu danced as you laughed. 'Why Jyushimatsu first..?' The five thought. You took all the dishes and put on the sink as your mother (Matsuyo) thanked you. "Alright, I'm gonna change and sleep now." You said, taking your clothes and going to the bathroom to change. "His personality changed, he was so innocent than now." Todomatsu muttered, changing his clothes to pajamas. "Yeah, very!" Jyushimatsu nodded. 


You pulled out the futon out of the bag as you placed it gently near the sextuplets. You put your pillow and pulled out a blanket as well. "I'm gonna close the lights now." Ichimatsu spoke, pulling the string twice. "Oyasumi." You all said as you all drifted off, well, not you. You were not that sleepy. 

"Not sleeping, hmm?" A voice asked as you sat up, seeing your second eldest brother sitting. "Uhm, yes." You nodded, embarrassed. "No need to be embarrassed, do you want me to sing a lullaby for you?" Karamatsu asked, chuckling softly. "H-Hai." You lay down as you sighed. "Alright, then." Karamatsu walked over towards you and sat down beside the futon.

"Dango dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku,
dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku, yancha na yaki dango yasashii an dango, sukoshi yumemigachi na tsukimi dango.
" He sang softly as your eyelids started to lose control. "Osumashi goma dango yotsugo kushi dango, minna minna awasete hyaku nin kazoku..." He continued. "Akachan dango ha itsumo shiawase no naka de, toshiyori dango ha me wo hosometeru..-" He stopped when he heard you snoring softly. "Heh," He chuckled and went back to his futon and slept.

Little Brother! || Osomatsu-San x Little Brother! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now