CH. 5 || Truth Is...

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Continuation of Chapter 4

Second Person

You looked down, swallowing the lump on your throat harshly as you began to breathe uncontrollably. "I..- I don't know..I just- I don't remem..-" You interrupted yourself with a harsh sob, tears bursting out from your eyes as you wiped them non-stop with your forearms. "I'm scared, I don't re..member...I saw it from my dream but- I thought it wasn't real..!" You choked. "The truth is..I don't remember..." You sniffle, as you hiccuped and continue to cry. "Why..Why and when...did I do that?" You asked between the sob and hiccups as you face your brother. "You were there, (Y/N). You were there with us, you and the five just don't remember." Karamatsu looked down, feeling sad and guilty.

 "Th-That..?" You muttered as you remember you had a long dream that you were with your brothers, but you forgot what happened in the end. "P-Please..nii-san, don't tell them..." You bowed, begging your brother as he blushed from embarrassment. "I won't! Just don't bow, it's embarrassing, burazza!" He shook his hands as you stood up, wiping your snot and tears. "Thank you so much, nii-san, this is why I love you all." You smiled weakly as he soften a lot. "We love you too, ototou." He smiled as you hugged him.

okay that was short, gomene

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