CH. 2 ||Spoiling the Sextuplets

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Second Person

You woke up at 04:00 AM as you stood up and stretched. "Hehe, I'll make the food for my brothers." You muttered as folded the blanket and the futon. Placing the pillow above on the folded blanket and futon, you stood up and went to the kitchen. 

"What food would they like..?" You asked nobody in particular as you shook your head. "I'll just cook something that they eat." You gently punched your palm and took out some katsudon, chicken curry, and rice out of the freezer as you cooked.

 "Hmmph..." You heard someone roughly hummed and footsteps. You turned your head as you saw the fourth eldest, Ichimatsu. "Ohayo, Ichimatsu-niisan." You greeted as he turned at you and nodded. "Ohayo," He grumbled as he sniffed the air. "You're the one who's cooking?" He asked while pointing his index finger at you as you nodded. "Katsudon, chicken curry, and rice." You hummed. "Do you need help?" He asked. "If you wanna help me, then, sure!" You exclaimed. "I already cooked the katsudon, will you chop it for me?" You asked your brother as he nodded. "Thanks," You smiled at him as he looked down and shyly nodded. "You're welcome..." He muttered as the your phone was beeping. You pulled out your phone and closed it. "Rice is cooked!" You turned off the stove of the pot and hummed. You continued cooking the chicken curry as Ichimatsu finished chopping the katsudon. "Almost done." You chirped as he watched you cook. 'At least we have somebody to cook besides Okaa-san.' Ichimatsu thought as you finished cooking. "Wake the others up, please." You ordered as he nodded and went to their room. "Hey! Shitty brothers! Wake up!" You heard your fourth eldest brother yelled as you chuckled. "Silly brothers..." You shook your head. Many footsteps were tapping on the floor aggressively as your brothers popped out. "(Y/-

"Did you six fixed the futon?" You asked them, smirking as they blinked and went back to the room. "Pfft-" You covered your mouth, trying not to laugh. 

A few moments later, your parents woke up and the six finished fixing their futon as you put the plates on the table. You all yelled "Itadakimasu!" and ate the food. "Say, (Y/N), can we all hang out with you?" Osomatsu asked, chewing on his food as you hummed. "Yeah, instead of just hanging out with us one by one." Choromatsu agreed. "Well, if you guys say so." You shrugged as they cheered. You all finished eating as you put the dishes on the sink. "What should we do though?" You asked, tilting your head as they crossed their arms and began to think. "Hmmm..." They all hummed, thinking what to do. You sighed and shook your head. "Let's just take a shower and I'll decide!" You responded. They all nodded and cheered as you all went to Akatsuka Bathhouse.


You all finished taking a shower and changed into your usual outifit, an orange hoodie with a green cloud/bush shape on the chest and grayish-blue shorts, white socks and dark orange slippers. (If you guys wanna change it into a different color then change it, but if it includes the color of the sextuplets, make the color a little darker)

You noticed the color of your brothers' hoodie as you giggled. "Rainbow!" You yelled and raised your arms. "You're so cute, (N/N)-chan!" Todomatsu ruffled your hair as you blushed in embarrassment. "Stop~ don't call me that." You whined as he giggled. "Alright, let's go to coffee & rest!" You exclaimed as they all nodded. 


"We're here!" You smiled as you went to the counter with your brothers to order. You ordered a hot chocolate as the sextuplets ordered something that you don't even care. You all went to a table and sat down as you guys waited. 

"Aight, here's your order, matey." The girl said as she put the coffees/hot chocolate/cake on the table. "Thank you so much!" You and your brothers exclaimed in unison as you drink your hot chocolate. "Mmm, so who's paying?" Todomatsu asked, his mouth full of the sweet strawberry cake as the five froze. "I'll pay," You volunteered as they shook their head and said that they'll pay. "No, it's my turn to spoil you guys, you guys spoil me too much when we were kids." You puffed your cheeks as they sighed in defeat. "Okay then," Osomatsu muttered as you and the six brothers continued drinking and eating. 


"We're home!" You all yelled as you went to the living room and smirked. 'Just gonna wait for them.' You thought as the sextuplets stepped in the living room. "Osomatsu-niisan," You called out as he looked at you blankly. "Here," You reached out your hand to him, 5000 yen was in your hand. "W-What? I can't take this all!" Osomatsu sweats as you gave him a close eyes smile. "Take it." You commanded as he hesitantly took it. "Th-Thanks, (Y/N)." He bowed as he stood up straight and smiled. "I can use this for pachinko, right?" He asked as you nodded, making him squeal and go outside. "Karamatsu-niisan," You called as he looked at you and hummed. "Accept my offering." You gave him a glittery blue sweater, and it has a face on the middle. "Oh my goodness! Little burazza, thank you so much!" He yelled and took it, he took off his hoodie and wore the sweater. "It's what I love!" He exclaimed, smiling widely. "You're welcome, nii-san." You giggled and looked at your third eldest brother, who was already looking at you. "Choromatsu-niisan, I heard that you like Nyaa-chan." You softly smiled as he perked up, looked down and nodded, feeling embarrassed. "No need to be embarrassed!" You chuckled as you put the Nyaa-chan concert ticket on his hand. "Here," 

He looked at the ticket and squealed. "AAAAAH! (Y/N)! Thank you very much!" He screamed as you glanced on the wall and rubbed the back of your head. "It's no problem." You replied as he hugged you. "Seriously! Thanks!" He cried as you sweat dropped. "Mhm, let go of me now-" You said as he let go. "The concert is tomorrow! I can't believe it! Thank you!" He grinned as he put it in his pocket. 

"Ichimatsu-niisan," You called as he flinched. "Y-Yeah?" He asked, trying not to be nervous. "Since I realized that you like cats, I'm giving you this." You gave him a white cat plushie. "This i-is for me?" He pointed at himself as you nodded. He looked down and hugged it. "Thank you." He replied as you giggled. "You're welcome!" You exclaimed as Jyushimatsu pulled on your sleeve. "What about me?" He tilted his head, his usual smile was plastered on his face. "Why would I forget about you?" You chuckled as you gave him a metallic baseball bat. "I don't know what you like besides baseball, so, here it is!" You nervously smiled as his eyes sparkled. "I love it!" He yelled as he took it and swung the bat. "Hustle hustle! Muscle muscle!" He danced as you laughed.

"Todomatsu-niisan," You turned at him as he blinked innocently. 'Angel-nii.' You thought as you sighed and gave him a picture of you and him when you two were 12 years old and a tablet. "Huh?! Where'd you get all of the money?!" Todomatsu asked as you grinned. "I had a business when I was in America." You answered honestly as Todomatsu was shocked. "Come on, take it." You nagged as he took the tablet and the picture. "I will treasure this forever!" He hugged it as he hugged you as well. "Thank you so much, Otouto!" He exclaimed as you hugged back. "No problem." You chirped as you all were having fun.

(A/N: I'm not really good at ending chapters, soo..-)

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