Round 1, Chapter 2: "Life finds a way around"

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I walked into the bathroom a few minutes after the lights went out.  I didn't want to do this, I shouldn't be doing this.  But I don't want to die.  I'm not ready to die.  Not yet.

I can see very clearly in the dark for some reason.  Everyone else is in complete shock, staying in place or just plain hiding.  I slowly crept up out of the room I was in and into the bathroom.  The door was supposed to be locked, but I opened it just as easily as if were always open.  I can see her in the corner, huddled up.  She must've been terrified too.  I can't blame her, I'm not even an innocent and I'm scared for my life.

She must've heard the door open, and she looked towards me.  Maybe she couldn't see me, but I could see her clear as day.  I close the door and walk up to her, my footsteps making the most silent thuds they could make.  I don't know how it got there, but I could suddenly feel a knife in my pocket from earlier.  I pulled it out and continued to walk up to her.  She knows I'm here, she wants to scream, but nothing's coming out of her mouth.  I can see her tears.  I can't do this-  No, I can.  I have to.  I can't just let myself die.  I grab her by one of the straps on her overalls and yank her from the ground.  She finally manages to scream at the top of her lungs, but it didn't last long.  I cut her directly in her throat, blood spewing out all over the walls and the floor.  How did none of it get on me?  It doesn't matter, does it?  

The least I could've done was make it quick.  But I have the urge to do more with her.  I didn't want to just leave her body on the floor.  I pick her up over the sink and begin to cut off her arms. That still doesn't make a difference, so I cut off her legs and her head. Somehow still, no blood manages to make its way onto my sweater vest. All the remaining blood leaks into the sink, and I throw her now sliced body into it. Kind of like a human soup.

The knife disappears, and I leave the restroom, returning to where I was before. I'm surprised I went through with it. Especially since I'm not the strongest in willpower when it comes to so much blood...

I heard a couple of disoriented groans as the lights flicked back on.  I couldn't blame anyone, it hurt my eyes as well.  I stood up from my spot behind the table and look around.  Nothing seemed any different until-

"Guys?"  Jo asked, her voice hushed and shaky as she poked her head over the couch.  "Wh-where's Lara?"

"She was just in the bathroom, wasn't she?" Jojo said, sitting up on the couch. 

The door to the bedroom creaked open, Thomas and Kees stumbling out of it.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!  WHY DID I HEAR SCREAMING?!"  Thomas shouted, shaking in fear.  He looked panicked as Kees looked slightly concerned himself. 

"Um... what's that?"  Kees asked, pointing towards the bottom of the bathroom door.  There was a pool of red liquid leaking out from it.

"I... I'll go look at it." Ally said. I've never seen her this nervous before. Usually she'd be so happy to explore, now she was more terrified than ever.  Stepping a little closer and grabbing the knob, she opened the door to the most horrific sight any of us had seen.

For the first time in my life, I heard Ally scream.

Lara's body was on top of the sink, but it wasn't whole.  All of her limbs and her head had been chopped off and placed near the same area as her torso.  Blood pooled into the sink like a bowl full of half-liquid jello, dribbling onto the floor.  The smell was putrid, hitting us in the face before some of us could even begin to process the image in front of us.  I heard Kees vomit into the trashcan sitting in between the couches at the living room.

"Oh my, it appears one of you has fallen." The speakers suddenly crackled to life again to deliver the message.

"The Murderer has chosen to kill Lara. The dead player has been chopped up and placed into the bathroom sink."

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