Round 1, Chapter 4: The Murderer's Message

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I'm such an idiot. I knew Lara's death wasn't gonna be easy for anyone, why did I choose her first thing? Maybe I just thought I could get through the tough ones first then maybe... no, no why am I even thinking about this? Why can't I just go back? Why are we here? What sick fuck thought this was a good idea?

At first, when the lights went out I looked up at one of the cameras. Whoever was behind there was gonna pay someday for this. But for now, I need to manage. If they could kill Veronica so quickly I'm sure they could do the same to me if I didn't play by their rules. In fact, they could just do that to anyone. Why the hell would they want me to kill everyone? Fuck, I need to focus on this. I need to kill someone no one would miss, someone that was hardly known in the first place. Someone that wouldn't make as much of an emotional scar as Lara and Veronica. In the living room, I spotted them.

Of course, almost everyone was in the living room, so I'd have to do this quickly. For the most part, everyone was trying to stay quiet, but I could hear Lukey whimpering. I'm not killing him yet though, he'd be worse than Lara, I'm sure. Making my way to my real target and seeing them sitting by the coffee table gave me an idea. I gave up being quiet and casually walked towards them. They noticed me, but couldn't quite see me in the dark. With one fell swoop, I reached down and grabbed them by their neck, beginning to strangle them. For some reason, even on the brink of death, they didn't scream or shout. That was until I dragged them up and slammed them back down on the corner of the coffee table. Nothing seemed to happen the first hit except that they were now screeching for dear life, and everyone around caught on to what was happening. The second hit spewed blood all over the table, and every hit after that just added more and more gore, along with the terrible cracking sound that came with busting their skull open. After maybe 10 hits or so, I stop. I let go of their body and flop it down on top of the table along with their crimson red innards.

I still feel terrible, but it's already been done, and I can't change it. Plus, I had a better idea.

I scoop up a bit of their blood onto my finger and began to write something on the edge of the table, one of the few places that haven't been covered in blood yet. After writing the message, for some odd reason, my body decides to lick the blood off the tip of my finger. Realizing what I did, I expected to be hit with the usual salty, irony taste, but...

Why does it taste like sugar cookies?

Soon after the banging stopped and the screaming died down to a few silent sobs and whines, the lights came back on.  That definitely didn't help the problem as I could hear a couple more screams erupt from behind me.  It made me hesitate to turn around, but eventually, I peeked my head over the side of the couch.

"Oh my, it appears another one has died!"  The announcer chirped.

"The Murderer had killed Liza.  The dead player has been bashed in the head and set down on the coffee table."

My eyes widened at the sight before me. There laid Liza's dead body just in front of me, blood splattered all over not only that table, but come to find out, on the couch as well. While looking over to see it, my arm accidentally slapped into one of the puddles, spraying a few drops of blood onto the side of my face. I gagged at the scent of it.

Looking over at everyone else near the incident, I could see quite a few people were covered in the red substance, but only because they were so close to the table. From who I could see, it was Lukey, Kai, Dan, Ash, Vinny, and Jojo. Lukey was bawling his eyes out while Kai and Dan were trying to comfort him, Ash and Vinny were trying their best to wipe the blood off of themselves, and Jojo just sat there in stunned silence. I was beginning to feel nauseous from the smell alone, so I backed away from the couch and sat against the far right wall of the living room to take a breather. The rest of them seemed to get the idea and backed away themselves.

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