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"Cheryll" i whined as she played her video game.

"Yes love" she said looking at me.

"I'm bored"

"Well what would you like to do?" She asked cutting her game off.

"That's the problem, I don't know" I frowned crossing my arms.

"Wanna just go sit on the beach, that's really calms you sometimes"

"Ooo yes the beach" I cheered. "Help me up"

"Ok" Cheryl said grabbing my hands helping me sit up. She went to the closet and grabbed our beach shoes. She put mines on for me then put hers on.

"Thanks" I said scooting off the bed.

"Let's go sit on the beach" she said as she went in the bathroom to grab us towels.

I waited for her and when she walked out I grabbed her hand and we left.

After the ride we made it to the beach. I smiled at the view.

"Give me you hand" Cheryl said opening my door holding her hand out. I grabbed her hand and she helped me out the car.

She closed my door and grabbed the things in the back.

"Let's go!" I said hitting Cheryl arm.

"Ok ok" she laughed. She grabbed my hand and we went to the beach. I sunk my feet in the sand every time I took a step. "Wanna sit right here?"

"Yea this is fine" I nodded. Cheryl laid out a towel and helped me sit down. "Thanks"

"Welcome baby" Cheryl said sitting down.

"You're going to get sand on you pants" I frowned.

"It's ok" she said kissing my cheek. I smiled leaning back some. I loved the sound of the waves crashing and the feeling of the wind flowing in my face.

"I'm about to go put my feet in the water are you going to sit here or come with me?"

"I'll sit here" I said watching her get up.

"Wave if you need anything k"

"Ok" I nodded watching as she walked to the water. I smiled watching her kick the water up. "You guys are going to have a Field day with her" I laughed rubbing my stomach.

They started kicking making me smile really big.

Cheryl came back and sat down.

"That was boring without you"

"Aww I'm sorry, do you wanna go for a walk?"

"Yea, I'll go put this in the car" she said grabbing the bag. I nodded and watch her go to the car.

Once she came back she help me to my feet and grabbed the towel.

"Which way would you like to walk?"

"Let's walk this way" I said pointing to the left.

"Ok" she said grabbing my hand. We walked that way talking about how it's gonna be different once the kids are born. "I'm gonna love running after them"

"Me too and the tickle fest as well" I giggled.

"Yea, I'm just going to love it in general"

"I'm gonna hate when the are adults" I frowned.

"Me too but we're gonna have to let them go once that happens so they can give us grandkids" Cheryl laughed at the last part.

"Us as grandparents" I laughed. "Can't imagine that"

"I can" she said pulling me in a hug. "Come on let's head the car and get something to eat"

"Ok" I said grabbing her hand. We went back to the car.

Cheryl helped me in then she got in and we drove to get something to eat.

After stopping at Arby's were on our way back to the house.

"I had fun with you" I said grabbing Cheryl hand smiling at her.

"We have fun everyday"

"I know but this day is special"

"Baby everyday is special with you" she smiled at me before looking back at the road. I started blushing looking out the window.

After the ride we were now home chilling in the bedroom.

"Baby I'm hungry again" I whined.

"Ok, what do you want and don't say blueberries" she said sitting up.

"Umm..broccoli, potatoes, and boiled eggs" I smiled.

"Wow ok" she laughed getting off the bed. "Wanna watch me or stay here?"

"I wanna watch" I said sitting up and scooting off the bed.

I sat at the island and watched her get everything she need out. I like watching her cook, it's calming to me.

"Quick question love" she said putting the broccoli in the boiling water.


"What's one place you would like to visit?" She asked cutting the potatoes.

"Italy or Brazil"

"Ok" she nodded putting the now cut potatoes on a pan and putting it in the oven.

"Why you asked that"

"Just because" she shrugged taking the shell off the eggs.

"Want me to help?" I asked with my hand out. She handed me and egg and I started taking the shell off.

Minutes later the food was all done. Its delicious, the best.

"I want this as a meal once a week" I giggled.

"As you wish, do you want me to put the rest in the fridge?"

"No, I plan on eating it once I'm done with this plate"

"Ok" Cheryl laughed kissing my cheek. She grabbed the rest of the food and placed it beside me. "I'll be in the room"

"Ok" I said eating a piece of potatoes. Once I was done with everything I put the dish in the sink and went to the room.

I laid beside cheryl, laying my head on her shoulder.

"You full?"

"Mhm" I smiled.

"Ok, long as you're full I'm satisfied"

I smiled as she pulled me closer. I really love her.

Her (choni) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now