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I woke up to whining and when I looked around I was shocked.

I grabbed the baby that whining and fed him as I sat back on the bed.

I looked at cheryl sleeping peacefully. I got off the bed and went to the window seeing a pretty sight then it hit me.

"EEEE IM IN BRAZIL" I cheered dance with zyan in my hands.

"I see that you're awake" Cheryl said sitting up rubbing her eyes.


"Yes you are" she chuckled. I swayed my hips moving in a circle."Wait I thought we were supposed to be at a friends house"

"No, I wanted to surprise you with a week trip to Brazil" Cheryl smiled getting out of bed and coming up to me.

"Oh, I love it" I said seeing that zyan was done. "Burp him while I feed zack" I said going to him seeing that he was moving around.

I started breastfeeding him as Cheryl burped zyan.

"You are a very good mom" she said smiling at me.

"You are too baby" I said kissing her on the cheek. "Wait where is bets and Kevin"

"Their across the wall"

"Ok" I nodded then looking down at my baby boy. They are so adorable. "Once I'm done feed zack can we go sit with them?"

"Of course, you don't have to ask me about that" she said laying zyan on his back playing with him.

After feeding Zack and looking at the view we were off to sit with Betty and kev.

"So how excited were you when you woke up in Brazil?" Kevin asked taking Zack away from Cheryl making her groan crossing her arms.

"Very excited. It's always been my dream to be here" I smiled seeing Zyan smile.

"Well you're here for a week. Better enjoy it" Betty said sitting beside me.

"I will. I'm going to enjoy it with my girlfriend and babies" I said laying my head on cheryl shoulder.

"Aww you two are cute"

"What are we going to eat?" Cheryl question placing her arm around me.

"Don't know, I would love to try there coffee" I said as Betty took Zyan from me.

"Well how about you two go exploring while we watch the kids" Kevin smiled.

"Oh, well let's go get ready" Cheryl said getting up. I did the same and gave my little ones a kiss before leaving out the room. "I miss my babies already"

"It'll be fine. We can trust them" Cheryl said hugging me.

"I know but let's get change" I said looking up at her. She nodded and we got changed.

"You ready baby" Cheryl said walking in the bathroom.

"Yep, thanks again for taking me here" I smiled.

"Anything for my love" she said pecking my lips. I just hugged her and smiled. "Come on, let's give them the key so they can get something if they need it"

"Ok" I said letting her go. We went back the Betty and Kevin's room and gave them the key then we went exploring.

"These building look nice"

"They do, would you like to see the beach?"

"Maybe later but can we find a place to eat? I'm staving"

"Ok I'll look up a place for us to eat" Cheryl said pulling out her phone. After some time she found one. "How about Bar Astor?"

"Yea" I smiled.

"It's not far, just around the corner"

"Let's go before I get hangry" I giggled. She chuckled as we walked down to the restaurant.

After eating we went back to the hotel and to our friends room.

"So did you guys have fun?" Kev said opening the door with my baby in his hands.

"Yep" Cheryl said walking in the room and taking him from Kevin.

"Have you ate?"

"Yea, that's where we just came from" I smiled sitting on the couch.

"So take your child, he would not stop cry" Betty said handing me zack.

"Cause he's a mommas boy" I said playing with his hand.

"What about Zyan?"

"He was chill, laid back" Betty chuckled.

"Just like me" she smiled. I rolled my eyes shaking my head. "What? Why you shaking your head"

"No reason" I said giving her a smile. She looked at me closely before going back to playing with Zyan.

The rest of the day went all hung out and thought of what we could do for the rest of the week.

Ok so I'm working on three new books. One on vanessa and Michael, one where Cheryl can't stop cheating and the last is where toni is Cheryl's devil.

Which one would you like first👏🏽😊

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