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We are home now. Cheryl and I are putting the babies to sleep.

Cheryl is so in love with them. She told me she was going to sleep in the room with them.

I was hurt that I was sleeping alone.

"Your really going to make me sleep in the room by myself"

"You can sleep in here as well"

"No i want to sleep on my comfy bed" I frowned placing a sleeping zack in his crib.

"Fine" Cheryl sighed putting zyan in his crib. She grabbed the baby monitor putting it on the nightstand and grabbing the other. "Let's get some sleep"

"Let's go" I said grabbing her hand and walking out the room closing the door behind us.

We laid down and Cheryl pulled me closer watching the baby monitor.

"They'll be ok" I assured kissing her cheek.

"I just can't believe there here, thanks you toni" she smiled at me. I gave her a kiss and laid my head on her chest.

"It was a team effort"


It's morning now I woke up to no Cheryl. I whined getting up going to the babies room.

I walked in and saw cheryl sleep on the couch we put in there. I shook my head going to the kitchen to get a cup of water.

I went back in the room and splashed some on her face. She quickly got up and wiping her face.

"What the hell toni" she groaned.

"You just gonna leave me in the room like that"

"I came in here like 20 minutes ago, the babies were crying"

"Oh hehehe sorry"

"Did you even realize that they were up you just saw me" she said with a mad expression. I looked over at the kids and saw them kicking around.

I looked down playing with my hands mumbling sorry. Cheryl sighed pulling me into a hug.

"I'm going to get you back, now let's start the day by you feeding them"

"Ok" I said as she let me go. "Go get the bottles from the fridge"

"Got it" she said walking out the room. I leaned over the crib and smiled at my boys.

I played with there little hands when cheryl walked in.

"Here's bottle for Zack" she said handing it to me. I thanks her and picking up zack gently.

I sat down and fed him. Once I was done I burped him then went to find an outfit for today.

"What should we put on them?"

"Don't know, they have so much" she laughed. I thought and thought and just randomly picked something. "Great choice"

"Thanks" I giggled laying Zack's head on a pillow. I changed his diaper and clothes then took him in the room with me.

"Are you hungry?" Cheryl asked walking in the room.


"Want me to cook you some blueberry pancakes?"

"Ooo yes" I smiled.

"Well watch the boys for me then" she said laying zyan on my chest. I smiled at them as they were sleep.

"The ladies mans" I giggled.

After a few Cheryl walked in the room with three pancakes.

"Cheryl I'm not pregnant anymore I can't eat three pancakes" I frowned.

"Well what you don't eat I'll eat" she shrugged sitting the plate on the nightstand beside me.

She sat on the bed and grabbed the boys so I could eat.

I sat up and ate some off the pancakes and what I couldn't I gave to cheryl.

"Who would've known I would have kids by someone who kidnapped me while I was drunk"

"Sorry bout that, you look so beautiful"

"You could'be just talked to me like a normal person" I smirked playing with the boys hands.

"I know" she frowned. I kissed her on the cheek and smiled.

"But thanks though. Thanks for completing my family"

"You completed my family as well" she smiled finishing the last piece of pancake.

I smiled laying my head on her shoulder looking at my baby boys.

Sorry for the short chapter

Her (choni) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now