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I'm scared right now, my heart is beating very fast. She hasn't giving me a response yet.

I closed the box and got up. I sighed feeling like I made a mistake.

"I understand if it was to early"

"No baby. I'm j-just speechless" she said grabbing my hands as I saw tears fall down her face.

I got back on one knee and asked the question again.

"Will you marry me?" I said opening the box.

"YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES" toni said hugging me. I picked her up and swung her around before putting the ring on her finger.

"Don't scare me like that, I thought you were going to say no"

"No of course not, I love you" she said kissing me. I kissed back placing my hand on her waist.

We pulled away when air became a problem.

"Do you like the ring"

"Like? I love it" she said hugging me. "Best day ever"

I smiled hugging her back. Im pretty sure she could hear my heart still beating fast.

"I'm going to put this stuff in the car. Stay here" I said pointing at her.

She nodded and watched as I got everything. I quickly went and put that in the car and went back to her.

I saw she was looking at the ring smiling. I went up behind her and hugged her.

"My dream ring, how much was this"

"Not that much" I said kissing her cheek. She turned in my arms giving me that I'm not stupid look. "Don't worry about how much it cost"

"Ok but I'm going to say over 5 grand"

"Ok" I shrugged.

"Let's go back to the hotel, I want to show this off"

"Ok" I laughed. We walked hand in hand to the car.

I opened the door for toni and helped her in before closing it.

I went to the driver side and got in starting the car.

"So, when I left what did you do?" I said glancing over at toni.

"I went to bets and kev asking where you went but they wouldn't tell so I sat over there begging if they saw you. I was getting nervous that you were cheating"

"I'd never cheat, why would I cheat actually. Your toooo beautiful to be cheated on"

"Awe" she said placing her hand on my thigh. She kept going higher until she reached the hem of my pants.

I groaned as she grabbed my dick giving it a squeeze. I moved her hand away as we came up to a red light.

I heard her unbuckle her seatbelt.

"What are you doing?!" I said blocking her from hitting something.

"You'll see, now move your arm"

"No! Put your seatbelt back on" I said looking at her. I started back driving once I saw the light turn green.

"Baby come on trust me" she frowned.

"I don't need you flying out the car baby"

"So you don't trust me?"

"I do but-"

Her (choni) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now