Real Love

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Real love is not based on looks
or restaurants or books:
it's an ordinary, everyday act
of choosing to love someone.

It isn't always glamorous
and it isn't always easy
but it's worth it ultimately
because love is our purpose.

It's more about them than you -
something out to give and not get
something that would sacrifice
everything willingly for them.

It sees their worst qualities
and still chooses to love them.
It loves their best qualities
and encourages them in all they do.

It goes the extra mile
loving when it's not expected
giving them what they don't deserve
even if it's extravagant.

It comes in many diverse forms:
helping those who need help;
letting go of someone;
friendship or romantic love.

It fights for justice
tells the truth
protects from pain
even when it hurts.

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