Chapter 17 - Aldersberg -

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Two days later we arrived at a city called Aldersberg. There we would look if there were any jobs we could take from the notice board. We would stay here for a couple of days to get some rest from the travelling, which is especially exhausting for the horses. We went through the town. Jaskier did as he always does; playing songs to make some coin and Geralt and I? We found a job or more suiting: Geralt found a job, he said it was too dangerous for me with less experience so he would do this alone and so I stood there; alone in the middle of the town. Might as well go around the stores and see what they got.

It was a big city. People and shops everywhere. There were children running around and play, merchants with their booths behind them trying to sell their stuff. "A beautiful necklace for a beautiful woman?", "A new cloak matching your eyes?" I heard merchants asking me as I went by. This was so different from what I knew in my small village. All I got there was 'Fuck off' or 'Leave' because in my village people want to be left alone and as soon as you approach them they're already annoyed but this..? Everyone is so kind, well maybe because they want to sell their goods but still.

I was amazed by the houses; how they looked and also how huge they were as well. My eyes sparkled at what I saw. It took my full attention what was also the reason that I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry, are you alright?" I asked the person who was wearing a dark blue cloak with his hood on, all I got was that the person was a man. The man looked at me and I saw his eyes widen and then he quickly run off and disappearing between all the people going around here. Weird...

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I followed her unnoticed. Could it really be? The description would suit her perfectly but any other woman could look the same as her. She still got the same eyes as Reginald. I need to get a closer look at her also I can only be sure with it if I'm able to see her birthmark. Should be pretty easy since it's some sort of a flower on her upper neck. I need to see her in tied-up hair to be sure but first of all, I must return to my Queen to tell her about it. If I head right there I would arrive this evening.

On my way out of town, I went by the poorer parts of this town and saw a certain white-haired man. Even better. My Queen will be even more than pleased by that.

Evelyns pov

The next morning I got out of the room I had at the inn we stayed at and went down to the tavern to get some breakfast. I looked around if any of my travelling companions were already up. As I expected Jaskier was nowhere to be found but Geralt sat at a table by himself, brooding like usual. "Morning." I greeted the Witcher as I stretched myself and sat across from him. "Morning." he muttered. "Not hungry?" I asked but Geralt only grunted. The waitress came by and I ordered some food for Geralt and me and of course some drinks along with it. 

"How was your job yesterday? I haven't seen you since." I asked as I crossed my legs to sit more comfortable. "A few meters out of town, on top of a hill was a wyvern. Was a hard one, I admit but still managed it." he told me and I couldn't even imagine what this wyvern was like. "What did he look like?" I asked my thoughts aloud. "Like dragons just smaller." Wow and he fought it all by himself. Amazing. "Do you think I can kill such monsters someday, too?" I asked with a sparkle in my eyes again but Geralt only shrugged his shoulders what made me pout slightly.

"There you go." The waitress came with our food and placed it in front of us. I smiled at her which she returned and went back to where she came. We began eating and kept talking about this and that. Well mostly I talked and Geralt somehow reacted to it and answered my questions if I had any or if I told him to tell me something.

After I told everything I wanted it was silent, somehow weird but not as weird if it hadn't been for the noise inside the room made by other people talking. Geralt reached into his pocket and put a piece of paper on the table for me to read. "I found something for you." He stated as I started reading through it. 'Killing drowned dead' I looked up from the paper to Geralt who sat there smirking at me. "Very funny, Geralt." I chuckled dryly. It became an inside joke and every time we saw some drowned dead Geralt would nudge me to go and kill them. "Are you taking it?" He asked still with a smirk on his face. "Of course. Coin is coin." I said and Geralt nodded.

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// previous evening //

I went through the halls of the castle and made my way towards the throne room where I got greeted by the guards who took their weapons aside to let me enter it. "My Queen, my King." I greeted the people sitting at the end of the blue carpet. I bowed before them and only got up as soon as I was told so. "I see you're back, hopefully with good news." Queen Meve spoke and I nodded my head. 

"Indeed, my Queen. I believe to have found her." I stated and her's and the Kings eyes widened. "Are you sure?" She asked and got up from her throne. "I couldn't check on the birthmark but the rest fits perfectly. Pitch black hair and a copy of Kings Reginald's eyes. Also, she was the right age as I could see." The Queen looked at her husband who seemed as surprised as she was. "How destiny wished it to be: in the same town there was the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, too. The one and only you knighted, your majesty." 

"Sent off our envoys, we'll be having a banquet and make sure to invite the girl and Geralt of Rivia."

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