Chapter 55 - First contest -

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3rd persons pov

Geralt got out with new armour, one that shows Rivias blazon. He also got a tent assigned to stay at during the tourney, to which Geralt and Evelyn were now heading. "Vowing on the love of your lady, huh?" she asked and poked his side with her elbow. "Since I am a knight, you are my lady." he said and bowed slightly in his walk and took her hand to place a kiss on it, even though it was covered by a gauntlet. She blushed slightly what made Geralt smirk. "You're such a tough woman and still you blush by a kiss from your lover of nine years." she rolled her eyes in amusement. "Shut up..."

They went to the shooting range where the first contest would take place tomorrow. It wasn't far from them, so they arrived quickly. There were many wooden targets hanging loose on logs. They were coloured differently and the one who shoots all of his first wins. 

The two of them turned when a fellow knight called the Witcher. "Geralt! Have you decided to turn knight?" he asked amused. His face had a light shade of red, perhaps from the alcohol, he was drinking. Geralt smiled almost not noticeable and walked towards the bald man. "All jesting aside, here for a challenge with a prince. You in the tourney, too?" He asked him and both, Geralt and Evelyn, sat down by the table the bald man sat at. "Am I? Hah! I shall square off against Rainfran of Attre. I saw him a moment ago - a nervous wreck. Stuffing his nose with fisstech, no less - as if that will aid his determination!"

He kept speaking of that knight and how useless his attempts were. "Listen, Geralt... The timing of your marksmanship duel is such that you shall have the sun in your eyes." he said and Evelyn kept her smirk to herself, as she knew that would make no difference to him either way as he said in the next moment. The bald man then proposed a round of Gwent. He said that if Geralt wins he shall swap the duel with him, so there won't be any sun in his eyes but Geralt declined. He wasn't in the mood for playing cards. Also, it wouldn't even bother him, that there would be the sun directly shining into his face.

"Hm, are you sure?" he asked again and Geralt nodded. "Very well then. If I may ask, who is this beautiful lady you've brought with you?" he asked and looked over at Evelyn who only bowed her head, greeting the man. "The name's Evelyn." She said and she reached out her hand for him to shake. He wanted to place a kiss on top of it but hesitated as soon as he saw the gauntlet, leathery glove, or how else you're satisfied with calling it. He shook her hand. He looked at her face and her cat-like eyes were shining in the evening sun. He smiled. "What a unique pair of eyes you have." he said and Evelyn snorted what confused the man. She made a movement with her head that he shall look at Geralt's eyes who had the exact same pair of amber orbs. 

"Oh, how come you two share those? Geralt, don't tell me you have a sister." He asked and pointed between us. "We're both Witchers and no, we're not related." Geralt answered and the knight was impressed. "A female Witcher. Never came across one, how come?" he asked another question. "Because women were never intended to become Witchers, my creation was an accident." Evelyn explained and shook her head slightly to get her ponytail away from her shoulder and back on the back where it was supposed to be. "If you may now excuse us." She smiled at the other man and stood up with Geralt following her. "It's getting late." Geralt said and both of them went to the tent Geralt got since it was closer than walking all the way into town and then tomorrow morning walking all the way back here.

In the meanwhile, Jaskier did something incredibly stupid. Something nobody could stop him from. The two who left him at the market now spend the night together. Jaskier went towards the palace of Beauclair where he tried to charm women, especially Nobel women. No other than the Duchess herself watched him perform in front of her palace and one could say, she fell head over heels for him. And now not only Evelyn and Geralt shared the bed this night but also Jaskier and Duchess Anna Henrietta. The married Duchess Anna Henrietta.

The next day came and so did the first contest at the shooting range. Geralt stood next to another knight. Both of them are being watched by all sorts of people. Evelyn watched as well and so did the duchess and Jaskier, who were sitting together but Evelyn was too focused on her lover to notice the bard sitting a few meters away from her. 

Another bard blew a trumpet to announce that the duel will soon begin. "Fair knights, I salute you. The honour and duty of tourney patron have fallen to me this year. Fight honourably, so that I may bestow upon one of your number the tourneys grand prize. You have sworn your vows, have readied body and soul. The time has come to test them!" A woman with blonde hair announced and the bard blew yet another time into the trumpet. "Behold Horm Akerspaark of the Maechtian royal line! His names quite the mouthful, a true challenge to rhyme! His targets to be hit centrally and true are the ones in blue. Against him, new blood, a knight unknown till now... Sir Geralt of Rivia! Give us a bow! The targets he must hit with his quarrels thread are red." the bard finished his introducing poem. 

Both knights went on the starting line from which they would shoot the targets. Geralt quickly took out his crossbow and shoot the targets with perfect precision. After he had already shot three without a mistake his opponent got only one. "Like a lover gauchely grasping but one fair teet, Geralt's half-strewn 'twixt joyous victory and bitter defeat!" The bard said and just like that the last target was meant to be shoot by Geralt. "Geralt jumps ahead leaves the others behind?! Do I see this falsely? Am I out of my mind?" The bard blew the trumpet as Geralt finished shooting his targets while his opponent shoot only four. "Sir Geralt of Rivia has trounced his foe! Pounded him soundly, immersed him in woe!"

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