Chapter 9

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Becky's POV

"You're my sister." I say crying. Sasha was crying too. She couldn't speak. "Hey how bout we have a sleepover tonight." Charlotte said. "You two can share one of the guest rooms and spend time learning about each other and your family and stuff." "We have school tomorrow." Bayley pointed out. "Yeah, but your home alone, I'm home alone and I don't think these two want to be around their parents." Charlotte pointed to the me and Sasha. "Why do you say that?" Sasha asked confused. "Becky's mom's name is Lily." "Yeah so?" Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Sasha where's your dad tonight?" "O-on a date with Ms. Wilson. I never call her by her first name." ' My mom's maiden name is Wilson.  "Lily Wilson?" I ask. I was kind of hoping she would say no. She nodded. "Oh my god. Sasha you're the daughter of my mother's boyfriend." "Wait so if You and Sasha weren't half-sisters then you would've been step-sisters." Bayley chimed in. "Wow our families are messy." Sasha whispered. I chuckled. "You could say that again." "Okay it's settled. Pick a guest room and I'll get you some pajamas." 

Thirty minuted later, Sasha and I were both in pajamas, sitting across from each other on a big bed, talking about our family. "Wait so our Dad was a baker?" She asked. I nod. "Why do you sound so surprised?" "I'm surprised because I'm the daughter of a baker." "So?" "I can't bake. I can't cook. I can barely boil water." She complains. I laughed. "Well lucky for you, you have a sister and a girlfriend who can cook." "Girlfriend?" "Oh sorry. I know about what happened with Bayley and when you guys came together I kind of thought You two started dating." I say looking down. " Oh. No, not yet anyway." I nod. "So tell me about your brother." "Well his name was Mike. He was weird and hated when he wasn't the center of attention. But I loved him. It was kind of like living with one of those little girls from that beauty pageant show. What was the name of that show? Ummm..."  It took us a while to remember the name but it came to me. "Oh.. Toddlers and Tiaras." "Yeah that's the one." We started laughing again.

Bayley's POV

Charlotte and I were waiting on the pizza to be delivered and hanging out in her room. The girls were laughing loud enough for us to hear through the walls. "Well they're having fun." Charlotte whispered. "I can't believe they're sisters. The nerd and the rebel." I tell her. "Well don't you have a crush on miss rule breaker." "Yeah but it's not like we're going out." "What about you and miss valedictorian?" "Well there was a possibility of us having a date but with all the family stuff she probably doesn't want to go out." "God I still can't believe they're sisters." Charlotte's fancy doorbell rang. "I'll get the girls." I say. She nods and runs downstairs to pay the pizza guy. I knock on the bedroom door. "Yeah?" I heard Becky's Irish voice yells from inside the room. "Umm. The pizza's here." The door soon opens and Becky walks past me and down the stairs. I look at Sasha and smile sweetly. She smiles back then grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs. I felt a jolt of electricity rush through me. 'This girl has no idea what she does to me.' We all grab a slice of pizza. It felt normal, having a good time with a group of girls that I knew would be my forever friends.

My phone rings and I see that the caller I.D was the hospital that my mother was currently in. I walk out of the living room and into a nearby bathroom. "Hello?" "Hi, is this Bayley Martinez?" The lady on the other line asks. "Yes Ma'am." I say politely. "Ms. Matinez, I have some unfortunate news. Today at the hospital there was a blackout every room went completely black it lasted about an hour. The emergency generator also crashed. Once everything was back to normal and the electricity came back, We did a head count of all the patients on every floor. Your mother was a patient on the third floor correct." Y-yes..... Wait what to you mean was?" I felt incredibly nervous and couldn't breathe. "Well it seems as if we were missing a patient on the third floor. I looked through all the records and Olivia Martinez was in that room. You're her emergency contact. Don't panic, we are doing everything we can to find her but at this moment you're Mom is missing." T-thanks for in-informing me." I whispered before hanging up the phone. I felt tears fall out my eyes as I silently cried. I couldn't believe my mother was missing.

Sasha's POV

Becky and Charlotte decided to turn our cute little "family dinner" into a make out session. As cute as they are, I did NOT want to be around them. I was about to go upstairs and listen to music, when I heard crying coming from a bathroom. I knocked on the door. "Bayley are you okay?" I ask. She didn't answer, she just went quiet. I opened the door and saw Bayley on the floor curled up in a ball with a tear stained face. "Bay what's wrong." I sat down next to her and pulled her close to me. She didn't say anything. I decided not to push her and kept her tight in my arm. "It's okay Bayls. You'll be okay." I whisper. I gently kissed her head.  

After about fifteen minutes, I pulled her up and walked her to my room. Luckily Becky and Charlotte decided not to come up here. Bayley sat on my bed slowly recollecting herself. "Where are Becky and Charlotte?" She asked quietly. "Downstairs. I didn't want to be around the PDA."  I replied laughing. She smiled. "Thank god for that pretty smile." I whisper. She looked up at me, Her eyes sparkled and her smile got brighter. I realize that she heard me. "I hate that you have good ears." I say sitting next to her.She giggled "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" "How bout we go to that diner you were talking about." I suggest hoping she would say yes. "You don't want to hang out with Becky?" "I have plenty of time to hang out with her. And I wanna take you out." I tell her bringing her hand to my lap, and squeezing it tightly. "L-Like a date?" Her cheek's turned a deep shade of red. I laughed at how nervous she was. "Yes Bayley Martinez like a date." She pulled her hand away from mine and rested it on my cheek. "I'd love to go on a date with you Sasha Banks." She said. I stared at her admiring her beauty. After a while I couldn't control myself any longer. I grabbed her shirt and pulled her to me kissing her soft peppermint flavored lips. She kissed back immediately. The kiss started off sweet and gentle but soon became rough. She pulled away and looked at me smiling. "You're so cute." I whisper before kidding her again.

AN: Hiii.... Just had to say sorry for any mistakes. I'm way to lazy to correct anything. Don't forget to vote and comment. 

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