part seven

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A few days later we are camping out next to one of Katara and Sokkas dads ships.
"I want my own weapon" I said out of the blue making Sokka jump, he must've thought I was asleep.
"What do you mean? You have your weird light bending" Sokka said glancing at me.
"Yeah but I rarely use it unless I need it, I want a sword maybe" I said sitting on my knees and throwing my arm around in a sword motion.
"I don't think a sword suits you, maybe ninja stars?" Sokka suggests and I look at him blankly.
"Ninja stars? Really?"
"What they're cool!" he debated with me folding his arms.

"Sokka?" a water tribe man said coming out of the shadows.
"Bato?" Sokka asked.
"Hm?" I hummed questionably.
"Who the what now?" Aang asked as everyone woke up.
"Bato!" Katara said getting up with Sokka running at the stranger.
"it's so good to see you two" Bato said hugging them, "you've grown so much"

"Hi i'm Aang" Aang greeted himself respectfully bowing to just be ignored, I didn't even bother introducing myself. I'd do it in another time.
"Where's dad?"
"Is he here?"
"No, he and the other warriors should be in the eastern earth kingdom by now." Bato answered.
"This is no place for a reunion. Let's go inside." Bato shivered then gestured to me and Aang.

Inside it was indeed warmer and they had food so I was scarfing it down not really listening to any of the conversations. I sat beside Aang listening to him trying to converse with them but just get ignored. I knew why it must hurt to be ignored but he should understand that they haven't seen this certain person in so long. Of course that didn't make them ignoring him okay, just slightly reasonable.

They talked about how they had a way to see their father, at first they were on board then realized that they still had to take Aang to the North Pole. Speaking on Aang he wasn't beside be anymore, I got up and left the shelter to go look for the monk. Following his footsteps I saw a traveling messenger give Aang something then run off. He opens it then shoved it into his pocket.


I debated on going up to him up decided against it because he looked like he needed some alone time so I went back to the tent.

The next day Bato took the three ice dodging yet I stayed behind, feeling strangely tired. I laid on the beach until they came back.
"No. You can't trust me" Aang said making my eyes open deciding to pay attention now.
"Aang, what are you talking about?" Katara asked sweetly.
"A messenger gave this to me for Bato" Aang said taking a crumbled up piece of paper out and handing it forward.

'oh shitttt'

Katara took it from him, "you have to understand I was afraid you wouldn't-" Aang started but was cut off.
"This is the map to our farther! You had it the whole time? How could you?!" Sokka yelled at Aang, making me stand up and walk over to them.
"Well, you can go to the north pole on your own. I'm going to find dad." Sokka said and stomped off.
"Now Sokka i think you'd should-
"Katara, Y/n. Are you coming with me?" Sokka asked. I shook my head and stood by Aang, what he did was wrong but I still felt sorta bad for him. Plus I kinda had to stay by him to find what I am still.
Katara looked between us and I pleaded her with my eyes, maybe she could change Sokkas mind.
"I'm with you, Sokka."

Aang looked down disappointed in himself and I hugged him, "let's go to Appa." I said breaking the hug and he sadly nodded.

As we where ready to leave I was laying on Appas saddle and I felt us float over to the beach. I crawled up onto Appas head and sat next to Aang.
"It's okay. They'll be back eventually." I said then a villager came up to us. She warned us about Zuko and some other chic. Apparently linked to Kataras necklace? I'm not sure.

I sat on Appas head waiting for Zuko to burst through, to see instead a beast bust through the doors. Aang shot right towards it making it go on it's hind legs, knocking whoever was on its back to the ground. I noticed a black haired girl with a whip jump back into the beast.

'pretty girl with black hair and whip'

As the creature neared Aang I ordered Appa to ram into it. He did so and the lady was sent flying into a building. Appa growled and I patted his head, "good boy".
I then hopped off of Appa and saw Aang and Zuko fighting. I walked around it making sure not to get hurt and spotted an old man, I think he was with Zuko when we were with the pirates.

He didn't look like a threat, plus i had no where to be right now, so I walked up to him as he was watching the fight between Appa and the other lady's creature.
"Hi there" I greeted standing next to him with my hands behind my back.
"Hello" he said back as we walked over to some perfumes.
"How come you're with angsty ponytail man over there? You seem like you'd rather be taking the calm rode in life." I questioned him as we sniffed some perfume.
"He's is my nephew. I feel like I am needed to direct him in the right way in life.. Even if it isn't working very well" he said and sneakily put some perfume into his robe sleeves.
"I see, say. You look familiar, do I know you by chance?" I asked slipping a jar of perfume into my small bag.
"I'm the princess-"
"Of freedom land yes I know. I took a small detour there a few years back. Very relaxing vacation." the man emitted.
I was going to say more before the black haired lady got knocked back by her own rogue pet.
"June!" the old man said and quickly caught her.
Her whip fell out of her hand and landed in front of me. I sneakily picked it up, gathering it in my hand and managed to fit it into my bag. After I ran away from the man and June to Sokka, Katara, and Aang.

At the end of the day we still ended up going to the North pole. It all ended well, and I got my very own knew whip.

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