The Medieval Commanders

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Once upon a time, there was a medieval realm where the people from B.C. and the middle ages go when they die as it was first created in the 1920s. It was created for the dead old fashioned people to continue their medieval life style which means there were no technology in that realm.
There in that realm there was a kingdom ruled by the legendary British leader himself King Arthur and in the tavern were his commanders that some were also king, queens or emperor's such as Richard the Lionheart, Charles Martel, and Julius Caesar.
Inside the tavern there were people who were known for everything they did in the dark ages.
There was Julius Caesar and Richard talking to each other at the bar and a Celtic queen known as Boudica was talking to the Joan of Ark by a wall.
At one of the tables there was a big samurai and a spanish king sitting at a table playing cards.
The spanish king showed his cards of three nines and an ace.
The samurai showed his cards revealing four queens giving him the win.
"Ha ha ha, Shōri", yelled the samurai in happiness.
Then he got up and danced around as the spanish king throw down his cards on the table in frustration.
Everyone looked at the dancing samurai for a little then continued to their own business.
"Kusunoki sure gets excited to win a game", said Caesar.
"He always does that silly samurai", said Richard.
"Ahhhhh, not cool take that away", yelled the spanish king.
"Ah come on kiss it, kiss it", said Kusunoki.
Caesar and Richard had a disturbed look on their face.
"That's........... awkward", said Richard.
"Let's just hope there's another battle ready for us, so I won't have to see that", said Caesar.
Then the spanish king pinned Kusunoki on the ground, but only for a second when Kusunoki rolled over now pinning down the spanish king.
"Ha try to pin me down huh Cid", yelled Kusunoki.
"How dare you pin the mighty El Cid tonto", yelled El Cid.
"I'm bigger and stronger than you seed don't call me a tonto", yelled Kusunoki.
"At least I'm not so fat like you imbécil", yelled El Cid rolling over pinning Kusunoki again.
They swung their fists at each other and rolled all over the tavern pining each other down making a mess.
A scary sultan ran in the dinning room and saw the fight.
El Cid and Kusunoki were about to throw their fists at their faces but was stoped when they saw the sultan blade over them.
"ENOUGH", yelled the sultan.
"We all promised king Arthur we'd stop fighting each other"!
"He started it by uh, I don't want to talk about it", said El Cid.
"Kusunoki what did you do", asked the sultan angerly.
"Saladin, I'm sorry I did something horrible and I don't want to say it out loud so I'll whisper it", said Kusunoki.
Kusunoki whispered in Saladin's ear about what he did.
"Again, really", yelled Saladin.
"Yeah Saladin, we all saw it, shame on you, and that's why El Cid attacked him", said Richard.
In a bush outside the tavern, Master Chief was hiding there looking inside for any aliens.
"Wow these guys are out of their minds, except for the Saladin, he's cool", said Master Chief.
"What you did again was dishonest Kusunoki but attacking will only break into a battle Cid, so please apologize to each other", said Saladin strictly.
"Better listen to him he's not a guy you want to mess with", said Richard.
"Sorry", said Kusunoki and El Cid both.
A Chinese Warlord known as Cao Cao entered the dinning room.
"What happened in here", asked Cao Cao.
"You don't want to know", said El Cid.
"How about you come with us in the living room, Yi-Seong-Gye and Osman are putting on quite a show", asked Cao Cao.
"Sure", answered El Cid.
"Well, no alien activity here", said Master Chief to himself.
As Master Chief jumps out of the bush a scout passed by giving everyone a warning.
Master Chief secretly follows.
At the castle Master Chief overhead the scout.
"Your highness, there's a strange army that went through some portal thing and is building something misterious", said the scout.
"Really, okay I'll have to grab almost every commander", said Arthur
"Ha now I just need to follow where these guys are going", said Master Chief.
In the tavern, El Cid and Cao Cao entered the living room we're Yi-Seong-Gye and Osman are preforming magic tricks.
"You weren't kidding Cao Cao, it is quite a show", said El Cid.
"Told you", said Cao Cao as he was sitting down on the couch with City Keeper and Markswoman.
Dragon Lancer was sitting on the big chair.
"Sorry couch is full", said City Keeper.
"So is the big chair", said Dragon Lancer.
"Oh man please don't tell me the rocker is full too amigo", said El Cid sadly.
"Oh no it's available", said Dragon Lancer blowing into his blowpipe.
El Cid sat on the rocker.
"I always wonder what the future is like since we are all here together in this realm, we can never escape medieval lifestyle", asked City keeper.
"Who knows, maybe there are these so called robots you keep mentioning along with the flying cars", answered Markswoman annoyed.
"Sorry I asked", said City Keeper.
The gathering commanders walked in.
"Hey, are there any seats available", said a handsome blond hair young man.
"Hi Centurion", said Markswoman.
"Sorry every seat is full", said El Cid rocking himself.
"He took the rocker, but that doesn't mean the floor is taken", said Cao Cao.
"Still better than standing", said a german queen named Constance.
"Everyone king Arthur wants use all", said a roman soldier named Scipio.
Everyone arrived at the castle for Arthur's meeting.
"Everyone, one of my scouts noticed something strange in the medieval realm, he said something, the word which City Keeper keeps saying, futuristic", said Arthur.
"I knew it, the word does exist", said City Keeper.
"Sorry continue".
"Anyway, gatherer's I need you to gather as much resources as we can cause we might be facing a big situation", commanded Arthur.
All the gatherer's left to gather resources.
"And there are barbs raiding villages so we need some commanders for that, which means only one commander will stay in the tavern", said Arthur.
"Okay, Dragon Lancer, City Keeper, and Lancelot with take care of the barbarians, El Cid, Cao Cao and Markswoman stand aside for a minute, the rest of you will come with me to the futuristic stuff".
"I think I'll have hymmmmm, Cao Cao would be good for my second in command".
"Sorry Markswoman, left out again", said El Cid feeling sorry.
"I'm used to it, and I understand that", said Markswoman.
"Que, won't you fell muy left out", asked El Cid.
"I don't mind being alone, that means some peace and quiet, besides you wouldn't handle being left out", answered Markswoman.
"Actually Markswoman will be in charge of the Barbarian kills", said Arthur.
"WHAT", screamed El Cid and Markswoman both.
"Let's face it Cid, you have been pretty weak in the battle field lately", said Kusunoki snobby.
"But I be the hero of Spain, I'm not weak", yelled El Cid.
"You were tooken down by a barbarian last week, and he wasn't a muscular one either, so ha", said Kusunoki rudely.
"That barb just got lucky", yelled El Cid.
"You are my best friend and all Cid but, I think Kusunoki is right for once, Arthur might just be giving you a break", said Cao Cao.
"Your bluffing, your bluffing, please tell me he's bluffing, tell me he's bluffing", asked El Cid in panic.
"Please your highness give him a chance, I'm better off staying in the tavern anyway", said Markswoman.
"My decision is final", said Arthur.
"Sorry Cid, arguing with the king will only make things worse, but you can secretly take my place when the king leaves", whispered Markswoman.
"I heard that Markswoman, so I will have my eye on you, can I join the barbs group instead your highness so she won't stay home", asked Kusunoki.
"Anything to give the Cid a break, keep an eye on them", answered Arthur.
"You japanese jerk, then I demand to take Cao Cao's place", yelled El Cid.
"Cid please, don't do anything you'll regret", said Cao Cao.
"Says the one who betrayed me", yelled El Cid.
"Fine then let's flip a coin", yelled Arthur.
"Okay, if I win I stay in the battlefield, but if I lose you take my place, deal", said Cao Cao.
"Deal, what's it going to be", asked El Cid angerly.
"How about you flip a coin" answered Richard.
"Sounds good", said Cao Cao.
"Hope you lose", said Kusunoki to El Cid.
"Okay I'll flip it", said Richard.
"I'll let you call it Cid", said Cao Cao.
Richard flips the coin.
"Heads", yelled El Cid.
The coin lands on the floor.
Richard looks at the coin.
"It's tails", said Richard.
"Than its settled, your staying in the tavern ha ha ha", mocked Kusunoki.
"Alright everyone let's ride", commanded Arthur.
Everyone left the castle and the barbarian team were handed the map at which places were being raided.
El Cid was about to cry.
"Don't worry Cid they might come back tomorrow", said Dragon Lancer.
"Negative, the king plans to camp around the futuristic stuff for awhile", said the scout.
"Ahh I wanted to see the future stuff", whines City Keeper.
"Hey at least you won't have to sit in the tavern alone like loser Cid does", said Kusunoki.
"Would you leave him alone please, he needs a moment to calm down", said Lancelot.
"Let me stay in the tavern, can't you see he's miserable", said Markswoman.
"Sorry not happening, even barbs would eat him up", said Kusunoki.
"No no, it's fine, just go on, it's your first time leading a team, I'll be strong", said El Cid in tears.
"Maybe there aren't many barbarians out there", said City Keeper.
When they looked at the map, there were tons of markings for barbarians.
"That's a lot of barb invasions, we'll at least be out for about 6 days", said Dragon Lancer.
"What about the gatherer's", asked El Cid in panic mode.
"They'll be back but will probably go again cause this is an unusual thing happening we are going to need a lot, they might be gathering for days", said Lancelot.
"Don't worry you got little Sancho, your stuffed bunny, you won't be alone", said City Keeper.
Everyone looked at City Keeper sterned.
"What, seriously what"?
"Maybe the gatherer's will take a break in between", said Markswoman.
"Let's get you to the tavern you big baby", said Kusunoki rudely.
Kusunoki carried El Cid to the tavern and brought him inside.
"You got the tavern to your self for a while, have fun alone, ha ha ha haaaaaa", said Kusunoki rudely as he slammed the door behind El Cid.
El Cid then burst out into flames and began to throw a tantrum.

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