Chapter 3: The Drama Starts Again

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The week after that, I was bored. After those fights last week, not another one broke out. I was gonna cause something.

"I heard Cari was selling weed and Nelly tried to take the money she made from it," I whispered in a girl's ear. She went to go tell someone else and everyone was talking about it in a matter of a couple minutes.

Cari turned the corner and walked by me. "Cari, you ain't selling anymore?? I was looking forward to getting my chill on," a guy said.

She was confused, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't you sell weed? I heard you did," the girl said.

"Well you heard wrong because I don't sell anything. Who said that?"

"I did," we turned around, it was Lauren Seas, she always took credit for the drama I caused. Good for her.

Cari was perplexed, "Why?? You know I don't sell anything, so I suggest you go somewhere and stop starting mess!"

"Girl, you're not scaring me. You think you're bad because you whooped Penelope's ass last year, that doesn't mean you can whoop me."

"Hoe, I can," Cari got closer to her, getting in her face.

"Back up Cari before I beat yo ass," Lauren warned. Cari got closer and smacked her in the face.

Lauren was stunned and grabbed her by her hair and tried to drag her on the floor, but failed. Cari punched her in the face. She was beating her ass.

Students were running, cheering, and recording. It was very entertaining. These people were gullible. Since there was so much noise, some teachers; Mr. Loans, Mrs. Thomson, and Ms. Kelin came from the lounge and ran into the crowd, trying to break everything up.

"Back up!" Mr. Loans yelled, he grabbed Cari off of Lauren.

"Oh lord, let go of her hair, Lauren!" Ms. Kelin sighed as she tried to untangle Cari's hair from both of their fingers.

They were finally able to pull them apart and Cari yelled, "I whooped yo ass, talk again!" They hauled her to the office. A couple seconds after that, they took Lauren there too.

They knew the principal was tired of seeing students in his office everyday. Oh well, the way I'm going about things, he'll have some more students and parents in his office.

I went up to somebody else and whispered, "Someone told me that Breesha's ex, Ashton, was talking crap about her to Gloria." She glanced at me told everyone that was still in the hallway since the crowd didn't disperse yet.

Everyone knew Gloria and Breesha couldn't stand each other. They fought a couple of times, sometimes Breesha would win, the other times, Gloria would. It was easy to start drama between them because they disliked each other so much. You could throw a rock at them, say one of them did it, and they'll fight.

"Really hoe, my ex?!" Breesha shouted as she spotted her.

It took a minute for Gloria to realize she was shouting at her. "Excuse you? What are you talking about??"

"You and Ashton were talking all that smack about me," she got in her face.

Gloria had a stank face, "I already talk shit about you anyway, I don't give a shit, I admit that, but I don't need your ex to talk about you to me. I'll talk about you all day everyday!" She started getting loud, clapping her hands.

"Then do something," Breesha got in her face as she put her black hair in a messy bun.

Gloria mushed her in the face and Breesha grabbed her hair. They wrestled on the floor. Gloria didn't have time to put her hair up, so her hair was whipping all over the place, making it easy for Breesha to hold onto her hair for a minute then she let go. Gloria was kicking and punching her, while Breesha was trying to scratch her.

They were separated and taken to the office.

The students were still hyped after the fights. They continued talking about it and getting into arguements, "Cari whooped her, you can't say anything, she has hands!"

"Yeah, but you saw who Lauren tried to backpedal? Like girl no, you told everyone that she was selling weed, I was surprised Nelly didn't fight because she stay getting in people's face and she stay getting loud," Tarah said to her friends.

"Foreal, she tried to get in my face, I had to make her back up, like girl, hold up," her friend said.

I walked by a group of teachers. They were livid. "These kids are fighting every damn day, Principal Sands is tired of it."

Mr. Loans sighed, "These kids don't care, once they beat someone's ass, they're good to go."

"So you're letting this slide?" Mrs. Thomson replied in shock.

"Principal Sands isn't letting it slide, he wants an assembly to be held tomorrow."

Ms. Kelin scoffed, "An assembly? Ha! After what happened last year? Those teachers fighting and so were kids, it made no damn difference!"

"Something has to be done."

I wish they would try something to stop the drama that I'm causing. Oh no they won't, I'll take the teachers down even if I had to.

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