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The cast walk back into the bunker, Kyle making grunting noises with each step to try and draw attention to himself.

"All you had to do was put a rope through a car, Kyle," Nelson jokes.

~Melissa's Confessional~

"Everyone left in the game has a Red Skull. This either means we're all going to the Final, or some of us are fucked. Because, if there's another challenge and another elimination, that means that someone else is going home."

~End Of Confessional~

"Well, the Red Skulls aren't as cool anymore," Fessy lets out a fake sigh, earning a offended look from Kyle.

"Yes they are! The Red Skulls are still cool!" He argues. "Actually, the Red Skulls are only cool cause I've got one now."

"And me!" Bayleigh cheers, bumping hips with Finley.

~Finley's Confessional~

"I am dying to see the Final. I've been waiting for this all season, and if there's another elimination, I need to secure myself a spot in the Tribunal, that way I can't be voted in by the house or interrogation."

~End Of Confessional~

"It's a great outcome," Finley admits.

"It's all gonna come down to who makes this Tribunal." Bananas whispers to Kyle and Finley, them nodding their heads in agreement. "It's all its going to boil down to, bro."

"Exactly," Kyle confirms.

"Whatever the fuck this is, is next, whatever the hell we do, we gotta fucking win. Or we gotta make sure someone in this room or something gets in."

"Johnny, Finley, if you win, here's what you do, 'guys day, you win, call me in. I win, I pull you in.'" He turns his attention to Finley. "If I win during a girls day, I'll pull you in. I know we're having to look after other people, but we need to look after each other."

"One hundred percent," The Terrible Two speak. "One hundred percent."

"The girls will do the same. We just need to keep it in order."


The next day, the sirens go off at a normal time instead of the night, while they all gather their gear and uniforms, changing quickly before running to the vans that would take them to wherever TJ was that day.

As they walk to where the sadistic host was, Finley observed the place.

A single black car, a long road with dead, yellow grass on the side, and barrels stacked upon each other in lines and rows.

"Alright, guys. Welcome to your next challenge. Everybody already has a Red Skull. Now it's just a matter of who you want to compete against. Today's challenge is a double elimination."

"Another?" Finley gasped, mouth open wide in shock. "Jesus Christ."

"One man and one woman are going home," TJ continued. "I'm finally giving you a chance to take down all your enemies. So enjoy. Everybody's already qualified to run the Final. So now, it's who do you want to run the Final with? Alright?"

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