• Snowgie fever •

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"Elsa? Are you in he–?" You asked knocking the door in front of you, but was shortly interrupted by a sneeze. "I'll take that as a yes." You chuckled.

Slowly you opened the door and entered inside, not wanting to warn the Queen. "Hey snow–" you tried to say but shut yourself as you see a lot of little snowmen standing around your beloved.

Elsa looked at you and so did the snowmen.

"Mommy!" One of them said, causing all of them to come and rush over you; hugging your legs and even climbing to your shoulders and basically covering all your body.

"OH MY–!" You exclaimed not really understanding what they were or why they called you like that, and eventually catching some of them that will usually fall of you. Your view then returned to Elsa, who was watching the scene with a flushed face.

"Care to explain, dear?" You chuckled trying to walk towards her.

"I'm s-sorry, they are snowgies and they appear everytime I'm sick." She said sniffing and moving a little so you could sit by her side.

"Snowgies..." you said looking at them curiously. "WAIT YOU ARE SICK?!" You said as you panicked. "Why didn't you tell me that?!"

Elsa facepalmed herself mentally. "Because you go super overprotective for just some fever and sneezes!" Elsa said.

"Of course I do! Because I care about you, duh! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't?" You said as you calmed yourself. "But... I'm sorry if I ever exaggerated."

"It's alright (Y/N) and, thank you for worrying." Elsa said as she quickly pecked your lips.

The snowgies keep looking at you intensely and calling you 'mommy'. You look at Elsa to find some explanation and smile at her teasingly.

"Oh, well, y–you know." But she stopped talking and breathed to calm herself. "They call me momma too." She said with a darker shade of red in her cheeks.

"Momma? That's so adorable!" You said laughing at her embarrassment, while she playfully punched your arm. "Don't worry, I'm okay with the title, and it's even better knowing you're my children's momma." You said again teasing her. You will never get tired of doing that.

"Stop it." Elsa said making herself comfortable in your chest, hiding her very flushed face on your neck as you hugged her by the waist.

Suddenly you felt Elsa getting away from you, your eyes widen and so did Elsa's, until you see a lot of snowgies in between the two of you.

"Mommy, momma!" All of them say. You both smiled. Elsa caressed some of them that were closer to her.

"Alright kids, momma needs to relax, why don't you go and explore the entire castle? You might find two lovebirds in the Royal Courtyard." You said remembering that Anna told you that she and Kristoff were going to have a picnic day.

They all cherished and agreed with you, walking to the door. You went with them and opened the door letting them go. "Take care and don't cause a lot of trouble!" You said.

"Finally!" You said exaggeratedly going back to the Queen.

Elsa giggled but quickly sneezed again, creating one more snowgie. She looked really tired.

The snowgie looked at you both amused. It went to your side and sneaked between your arms. You hugged the snowgie kissing it's forehead, making it purred.

Elsa looked at the both of you and she could tell her heart felt warmer. She already knew you had a special bond with kids since everyone in Arendelle wanted to play and chat with you.

"Hey there little friend." You greeted the snowgie tickling it stomach. The snowgie could just make weird noises which you assumed was it laugh. And so did Elsa.

"What?" You said looking at her with a wide smile on your face.

"You'd be an amazing mother." Elsa said calmly while petting the little snowman. You were about to protest but she spoke again. "With... real kids I mean." She said looking at you.

"So would you." You reassured. "I'd be the rebellious mom and you'd be the strict one." You teased.

"How so?"

"Well, imagine this, it's a beautiful summer day and I'm taking our child to the lake and I'd teach them how to cannonball, even though you said not to." You explained, while Elsa rolled her eyes with a cheeky smile. "Then, out of nowhere you appear behind some bushes or something, and starts to yell at me–"

"But that's a regular thing I do, don't I?" She said teasingly but you quickly shush her.

"–but then everything is forgotten and we all enjoy the rest of the day in the lake." You finish proudly.

"That's not... what I had in mind, but I'll take it." She said now looking at the snowgie. "Why don't you go with the others? They'll be happy to know they have another sibling." She said lovingly.

The snowgie quickly obeyed and soon you and the little snowman went to the door so you could let it go.

When you go back to Elsa, you see that she was about to sneeze again. You quickly ran to her put a finger under her nose.

"Thank you." Elsa chuckled while you giggled.

"No problem. Your majesty if there's anything you need right now to make you feel better please let myself know." You said in a fake accent making Elsa covered her mouth while she laughed.

"Cuddling with a handsome lady would be nice." She answered.

"And which of all handsome ladies will you choose?" You said again with the fake accent.

Elsa wasted no time and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt.

"You." She said giving yourself a passionate kiss on your lips. She could feel the smile on your face.

After a couple of minutes you were into each other's arms, Elsa falling asleep while you were stoking her hair.

"I love you (Y/N)." The Queen said hugging you tighter.

"I love you too Elsa." You said kissing the top of her head, slowly both of you falling asleep.

What the two of you didn't know was that both of you were dreaming about having a real, loving family.

Elsa X Female Reader One-shots Where stories live. Discover now