Chapter 13 : Her Memories

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I closed my eyes and sat on my knees. Crossing my fingers. I prayed silently to god for everything I've got. And even apologised for being harsh to my parents. I feel stupid about myself for crying for a girl who left me even though he knew deep inside my heart still ache whenever I recall maya. I thank god for sending Saanvi into my life. So that i came out of the pain 

The church was completely engulfed in silence until my phone rang.

"Tell me Jo Jo"i stepped outside the church

"Will you say it today? ive worked on your confession speech. yesterday night and i will mail it now"

I couldnt help but to chuckle.

"Jo Jo youre the best buddy in the world and you sound more nervous than me"
I said giggling

"Because youre proposing Saanvi. The one and only saanvi . You know something ive never worked this hard on a speech. Not even during my English speaking test back in school. If miheeka comes to know that im preparing a speech to propose a girl thats all. Be ready with a coffin for me"

"Hehe. Dont worry i will not let her kill you that easily. Youve worked so hard for me. Thank you jo jo. I love you so much"

"Enough buttering up. I expect a lot of favours from your side in the future"


" should help me in selecting my marriage suit. You should guard for me whenever i sneak out of my house to meet my girlfriend. You should buy us popcorns and ice creams Whenever we watch a movie...and..."

"Wait! Jo expect me to do everything?"i frowned

"Yeah..remember even i got beaten up by Mayas father's goons. While protecting you"he blurted out while i kept mum.

The word 'Maya' still had its effect on me. I hate myself for letting her affect me like this. A lot of memories flash before my eyes and i tried my best not to let them show its effect on me.

"Leave it. Now tell me. Are you gonna propose her today?"jo jo said diverting the topic


"Great...shall i send you my speech?"

"No need ra..ill open up my heart. I Dont want it to be so filmy. i dont know about her but i dont want to hold it back any longer"

"Im sure she will love you back roy. All the very best. Call me if you need something. Always at your service"

"Sure sir"

"One more thing"


"I always love you and i will not let any other girl affect you in a bad way"

I smile to myself when i disconnect the call. I needed his presence here. Things would have been easier. Today is a big day for me as well as for her.

I remember how i proposed Maya. On her birthday
Maya was keenly listening to her class. Her eyes fixed on the board. Playing with the end of her pen her heart almost stopped when she found Roy dashing inside the room. The entire class including the lecturer looked at him. He gave them a cheesy grin.

"Excuse me mam?"roy spoke


"Thank you..."he " walked in and took fast steps towards Maya making her heart pound.

"Maya..come with me"

"Roy.."she widened her eyes.

"Maya what is it?"the lecturer. Looked at them puzzled

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