Chapter 28 : Broken Hearts

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**Emotional chapter ahead. Proceed at your own risk ( especially pranushkians 😂🙈) **

Chennai , India

John looked at Roy. Who sat like a lifeless body. His face was pale and white. John didn't wanted to see him like this.


He looked at John. With Welled up eyes. Both didn't knew how to start a conversation.

"Are you sure about this?"John broke the long silence while chocked both of them.

"Yes"Roy nodded. They got down from the car.

Saanvi was busy playing with the kids. In middle of the road. She failed to notice Roy. He stood there gazing at her. She still had her never ending smile on her face. Today he knew that he'll be reason for her tears. He'll break her heart into a billion pieces. He was ready to bear all the consequences.

He felt John's touch on his shoulder.

"Roy. Don't do this. Look at her man. You've promised to love her. To take care of her. You can just...."

"Jo Jo.. I know. I know I'm wrong. And this is going to be a sin. I'm going to regret for it. Lifetime. And I'm ready to. I don't know anything else"a tear drop escaped from the corner of his eyes.

John kept mum. Eyeing Saanvi. Wondering how she will react to him.

"Roy"Arya squealed when she saw him and soon ran into his arms. That's when Saanvi noticed them. Roy smiled sadly , taking Arya in his arms. He kissed her cheek.

"I missed you so much"Arya smiled hugging him.

"I missed you too Angel"he said and then looked at Saanvi who glared at him.

"I'm not talking to you. Do you care a bit about me Mr. Why didn't you attend my calls. I'm going to find a new boyfriend. What say Lizard?"Saanvi asked to John. Who stood still.

She could only find blankness in their faces. And that's when it struck her. John had mentioned that Roy had gone to Hyderabad to attend a funeral of his friend's father.

"Sorry"she held her ears cutely and proceeded for a hug. He didn't hug her back. Stood like a soulless man.

"Uncle and aunty is inside. They're talking with Amma and Appa. About us"she said trying to make his mood lighter.

"Hm.."he just nodded. They walked inside together.

Annie and Mathew were sitting opposite to Arjun and Kavya. Having their teas. His parents insisted to stay with him until his internship finishes.

"Finally"Mathew smiled when he saw Roy and John at the door.

"Come inside You both"Arjun said smilingly.

They could see their black faces.  The moment they stepped. Annie reached out to Roy and cupped his cheeks.

"Roy.. what happened?"

"Nothing mumma. I was just..."

"Will you keep standing. Come inside..We were talking about you only"Kavya smiled at him. They got seated in the couch.

Saanvi didn't take her eyes off from Roy. Who kept looking at the ground. She knew something had gone wrong somewhere. John was in the same situation as Roy's.

"Roy...we have a small surprise for you"Mathew said while everyone looked at him. A part of Roy knew what he was hinting to.

"Aren't you excited to know?"Annie asked
He gave them a faint smile in response.

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