Introduction & On the Plane

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Organizers' Note

Hello! Welcome to Survival of the Fittest, the third group challenge from the formerly exclusive FB TapTales Group. A lot of us wished to expand to other platforms, so we took that in mind. This challenge will be the first to be offered here as well as the Chapters App we started on.

The concept is simple: in addition to the first chapter that introduces you to the tale--each chapter after it will feature a short story about a character. In this case, those characters were aboard flight 180 on its way to Rio De Janeiro. At the end, there will be a final chapter detailing the epilogues of everyone involved. 

We hope this is something everyone will enjoy as much as we do.


Well, we're back again and I can't say how thrilled I am to have so many new participants this time around! Once more, Riley didn't learn his lesson and shared an idea with me. Most of you know how I am. I instantly thought, story!

At this point, I've given up on being apologetic because let's face it...our group projects have been awesome. This one will be no different and I think everyone reading will agree.

As always, I appreciate the writers and the readers who invest their time in this. Most of all, I appreciate Riley who puts up with my OCD and weird habits. There's nothing quite like getting the random message from me at 4 am and he takes it all in stride. Love ya, Dipwad! - Christina


Thank you again to everyone who has participated in the third official collaboration event held by the Taptales group by the community itself. You have survived! (Half of you, at least).

This idea came to Christina and me after a discussion regarding survival storylines and a challenge that would place each one of you in a fictional life or death situation, each character profile and challenge unique to each author, given obstacles and a fate to bring to life (or death.) The challenge was inspired by the newly released PC Game, Green Hell, a highly realistic first-person survival game based in the Amazon Rainforest, with your fate in your own hands.

I am pleased and proud of all of the authors who have participated and put forth great effort into researching their content, bringing realism, suspense, horror, and emotion to the characters Christina and I have designed.

Thank you for bringing this challenge to life and thank you to Christina for being my fantastic partner in crime! - Riley 


List of Writers

Riley Phoenix

Christina Poteet

Lee Moon

Rachel G

Lizzy Pelton

Melissa Cameron

EJ Cornish

S.M. Wagoner

Helen S.

Alex Lozano

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