Chapter Sixteen - The Religious One

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I hear screaming all around me, but I can't see anyone. I realize quickly that I haven't opened my eyes yet. So that's what I do. I open my eyes for real this time but everything is blurry. I feel a substance on my knees.

"Ugh! What is that? Where am I?"

I look around me, there are people but each one is as confused as the next. Relying on my God, our Lord and savior, I go to the back of the plane. I still have my carry on pack. That's a good thing because it has my supplies in it.

I dig around quickly only to find my chapstick.

"Really? Why chapstick?"

I set it back inside my pack, thinking that it is there for a reason. God only does these things for a reason. So I will rely on my God to get me through this tragedy. As I am walking I hear some more screams, but they have died down. I can't see the plane anymore.

"Oh yeah, my glasses! I need them to see properly."

I go back to digging in my pack only to realize they are not there. There is aspirin though, which I am highly allergic to.

"Oh yeah, I remember why I have this. My sister left it at my house, I was going to bring it back to her when we landed."

I start to think about what I could do to get myself safe. Quickly I kneel, my knees hurting from all the blood dripping from them. Praying through the pain, I call out to the heavens holding my crucifix necklace.

"Oh, my Lord and Saviour. Deliver me from this evil. I know you have a plan for me. Since I did not get offered the light I will assume that you want me around here to help another. I will be here to do your work, dear Lord. Just guide me in the right direction."

Just then I hear some shouting that sounds more coherent. It is coming from behind me, they must still be on the plane. I wonder how long I have been wandering the jungle? I look towards the plane not having my glasses I dig around in my pack. I quickly found my inhaler. I look up to the heavens.

"Thank you, Jesus! I would die if I had an asthma attack and didn't have this with me!"

I look back towards the plane then I hear the shouting again even louder.

"Die, die, die!! Agh I hate bugs and now I'm trapped with them!"  

The rant is followed by a very frustrated sounding scream. As I hear this, a branch cracks off in the jungle. I look towards it and see the shape of a man. I will not have my chastity stolen from me in such a dire time!

"Be gone with you, you heathen!"

I bolt in the opposite direction of either voice as I make my way towards the sound of water. When I find the body of water I take a sip, to see if it is freshwater. Tasting no salt in the water I gladly proclaim to the heavens.

"Thank God it is indeed freshwater."

I look around as I realize I am talking still to my only true love, my one, and only savior: Jesus Christ. I smile as I realize I am fully taken care of in his hands. Falling asleep under a small cove near the body of water, I smile.

"I give my whole being into your hands, dear Lord."

I fall asleep, comforted knowing my Lord will keep me safe. I don't need a fire, or any supplies, just him. Just as I drift off I hear a splash in the water nearby. I listen intently as I don't want my chastity gone. When I hear the noise going away from me I smile.

"Thank you, Jesus. I am safe in your arms."

I quickly drift off to sleep. In my sleep I smell smoke, someone has started a fire, I better stay far away from it. I don't want to go near the others, they may be dangerous in this trepid situation.

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