Chapter Seventeen - The Politician

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As I struggle to open my eyes, a sharp pain vibrates through my head. My hand slowly feels my face until I feel a wet sticky substance, I realize it's blood. My eyes fly open, I see my bloody hand and remember the plane falling through the sky. I slowly move my aching body onto my knees. Looking around I see mostly trees, some debris, and blood splatters.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

I hear nothing but my voice traveling in the cool breeze.

I stand up and search the debris, hoping to find my bag or even just a bottle of water. My throat is on fire. I manage to find a few random items: chopsticks, a nail file, and some soap but not water.

I need to find somewhere to rest and try and find help, other passengers must be somewhere.

I follow the burning smell in the air as I walk through the damp dirt and tall bushy trees.

I slap myself continuously when bugs crawl on my exposed skin.

"Die, die, die!! Agh I hate bugs and now I'm trapped with them."

I let out a frustrated scream then run towards more of the destroyed plane,  debris is littered everywhere. I see a bottle of water and try and move plane parts to dig around and get it.

When I finally free the bottle, I grab it with relief and then burst into laughter; the bottle's empty.

"You son of a bitch! Ha fucking ha! You won't break me! Not again! I HATE YOU..."

The words echo in the air around me and I fall to my knees. I let the frustrated tears fall and then I rise back to my feet and carry on walking. My throat, dry and burning, begs for a drink. I haven't seen or heard any water nearby so I try and urinate (rather badly) into the empty bottle and reluctantly drink the warm substance and carry on walking. I'm not sure how long I walk for but as my body tires I know I need to make some sort of shelter. I carry on walking whilst looking for a potential shelter or some materials to make some form of bed.

Not paying attention to the ground, I walk into something large and as I look down, a loud scream escapes my lips as vomit burns its way up my throat and out of my mouth. A dead body fills my vision and the body isn't fresh, it's full of flies and maggots. My legs take off running, faster and faster.

I need to escape this nightmare!

I trip over a large log and it weirdly calms me down. I hear the sound of splashing water nearby, once past the trees I see a lake in the distance. I sit on a broken tree stump and rest.

"Ok, time to set up camp."

I use the tree stump as a base and walk around gathering resources. I find some more of the wreckage and find a pair of glasses and a badly dented metal dish. I collect sticks, twigs, leaves, rocks, and moss. After a few round trips, I have a poorly made shelter. I set up a circle of stones and add some dried out twigs and leaves. Using the glasses I manage to create some smoke using the sun. I slowly blow on the smokey area until a small flame is seen and burning can be smelt.

I walk over to the lake and fill my water bottle. I swallow a mouthful and gag; it tastes disgusting. I enjoy the feel of the water on my feet until my foot stings. I jump out of the water screaming. Something bit me. I head back to my fire. I pour the water into the metal dish and place it above the small flames. Once boiled I leave it to cool down and drink some, whilst nibbling on some berries and leaves.

I leave the fire burning and have a rest in my shelter. I spent most of my time slapping myself or just watching the burning of the fire. Memories plague my mind. By morning the fire is burned out and I take a walk to find some food, my stomach begins to churn and ache.

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