Chapter Twenty-One - The Stripper

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My head was killing me. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so blackout drunk. Did I really drink that much before take off?

"Isra...Isra, wake up."


I groaned in my hazy state. Was that my mother's voice? She wasn't on this flight. I hadn't spoken to her in three years. Not since-

"Isra, you have to wake up. Now."

My mother's voice commanded me. I detected a strong whiff of gasoline and smoke with my next breath. My eyes snapped open, my body paralyzed at what I took in around me. Twisted metal. Tangled bodies. It was as if a gigantic claw ripped the plane open from the inside out, flames licking the carnage and a ghastly trail of smoke billowing to the sky.

What the hell?

I looked down to see the seat I was strapped into. It had been torn out of the row it was in, dangling off the edge of the wing like a delicate baby tooth ready to fall out. My duffel was still miraculously looped around my calf. My eyes scanned quickly down my body for any signs of injury. Somehow, I managed to escape this crash unscathed.

I closed my eyes, feeling my fear grow as my seat started to sway precariously.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh..."

I shakily breathed out, wishing with each utterance that I would wake up to find this all a cruel dream my subconscious cooked up. But when I opened my eyes, it was all still here. The vast, intimidating unknown of the largest rainforest I'd ever seen. Scratch that - the only rainforest I'd ever seen. I peered over the edge of the wing, terrified of what I'd find to be my fate. Thankfully, it didn't look like too far of a drop to the ground below.

Sighing and collecting my wits, I shook my head, then slowly reached down to untangle my duffel from my leg, hearing the bag thud to the ground moments later. Next, to undo my seatbelt-

The metal beneath me groaned as I shifted in my seat. I unlatched the seatbelt and jumped, praying.

That this wasn't how it was going to end. That I had more time to fix this. That I didn't scream the hateful things I did-

I landed on both feet before skidding forward from the momentum and tumbling to my knees. My legs scraped the snaking roots of one of many intertwined trees before me and I held in a swear with a hiss.

Definitely didn't stick the landing. Should have stayed in gymnastics as a kid...

I caught my breath and pushed myself off the ground, gingerly walking back to the loamy soil where my duffel landed. Sitting on a fallen tree trunk, I examined my scraped legs and leggings. Luckily, they only appeared to be skinned, light spots of blood lazily rushing to the site of injury.

I'd live. For now.

I sat back, trying to calm the pulse in my ears. Surely, I wasn't the only person who survived this thing, right? The noise of my surroundings started to filter into my ears. First the crackling of the crash site fire. Then, the insects, small critters, and birds chattering amongst themselves deeper into the heart of the rainforest. But another person? No cries, no shouts.


Maybe others were just knocked unconscious like me? But I was too terrified to find out.

"Don't be a coward!"

I recoiled at the words that rang through my mind. It had been years since I heard her say that to me. She was right though. I am a coward. I huffed, standing up and shaking the thoughts out of my mind.  This was a full, commercial flight. Someone would have to know we were missing.

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