Epilogue & Life After

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You sit in a vacant terminal of the Manau International Airport with the rest of the survivors from the crash of flight 180. A few with only minor injuries are being treated now. Somehow you only sustained scratches to your face, hands, and legs. Besides those and the usual dehydration and hunger--you're fine.

Others weren't so lucky...

Members of the search and rescue team filter in with more people; some you recognize, some you don't. Stretchers pass by with a few passengers battered beyond recognition. The Amazon seems to have taken its toll on them.

Hopefully, they will pull through.

This has you surveying the room to think about everyone--present or not.


The Professor

Unfortunately, he was the first victim that the merciless jungle claimed. Later when the wreckage of the plane is discovered, his body is found in the cockpit. Someone had strangled him to death. The injuries he had suffered appeared to aid whoever had done such a vile thing.

Back in Texas, a funeral is held once the body is identified by his ex wife. His daughter, Sarah, clutches her mother's hand tightly as she looks on at the coffin in tears. It is a bittersweet sight, but at least he kept his promise...

Sarah got to see him again.

"I love you, daddy."


The Copilot

You see her being questioned by the authorities and a slight scuffle breaks out. She is visibly upset as a female officer pats her down and cuffs her as another officer reads her rights to her. One last look is given to the rest of the group before she is carted off somewhere. Probably to a detention center while she awaits extradition back to the United States. You stare in shock.

"Oh my god..."

You read in a newspaper not long after that she was sentenced to fifteen years and forced to pay $500,000 in fines for animal trafficking.

God only knows what else she could've done...

When the black box evidence is heard by a judge, you find out exactly what crimes of hers the rainforest swallowed that day. She is prosecuted by the Dade county state attorney in Florida and has thirty more years added to her sentence. A deal is negotiated by her for a lesser sentence in exchange for valuable info on the Petrov family's illegal activities she witnessed while in the presence of the next leader of the Russian mob, Ivan.

Despite no longer being with her, Ramon visits Nika in prison. She has entered a drug rehab program and has been sober ever since. He is happy to see his friend getting the help she's always needed. Their visits show him traces of the woman he once knew: vibrant, loving, and beautiful.

Just a pity she realized her mistakes far too late...


The Scientist

Another body found by rescue workers, was that of Jaime. News of his passing reached his family as well as those awaiting his lecture in Rio. A small vigil was held for him during the time reserved for it and students along with colleagues in attendance observed a moment of silence.

Later, his family had honored his wishes of being cremated. The fear of bugs even reached him in his afterlife it seemed.

There's a flash of blonde hair seen at the back of the procession leading to his funeral: Ruby.

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