Chapter 1

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"DONE!" Sammy shouted happily, dropping his pen on a new song he had just finished. It was a Monday morning and Sammy was writing a song he had to get done that day.
He proudly snatched his music papers up and dashed as quickly as he could out the door of the music studio.
He rounded the corner and smashed into someone, his papers flying everywhere, both people falling on the floor.
"SORRY!" Sammy yelled, jumping up and collecting his papers. He looked over to see who he'd run into. Norman's amber eyes met his.
"Morning Sammy." He chuckled. Sammy held his hand out to Norman, who was still on the ground. Norman took it and Sammy hoisted the taller man up on his feet.
"Whatcha got there?" Norman asked. "It's a new song, I'm going to go get its approval from Joey, I hope he doesn't make me rewrite it again." Sammy said frowning.
"NORMAN!!! Get in here and do your job, this projector just burst it's bulb!" Grant poked his head into the hall to yell.
"I'll be right on it, good luck with your song Sammy!" Norman said, smiling and giving him a double thumbs up as he ran off, nearly running into the door.
"Thanks." Sammy called after him, continuing to jog down the hall to Joey's office. His dirty blonde hair flopped as he swiftly stopped in front of Joey's office door and knocked.
"Who is it? I'm busy." Joey called. "It's Sammy sir, I'd like to get your approval on this song." Sammy said.
"Enter." Joey said. Sammy opened the door and nervously walked up to Joey's desk, handing his boss the papers.
Joey read them over carefully. "Nice work Lawrence. I really need three more songs done by the end of the week, Henry will show you which cartoons to put the songs with." Joey ordered. Sammy's mouth hung open.
"Three! I don-" Sammy stoped mid complaint when Joey gave him a look. "I'll get right on it sir." Sammy sighed as he walked out of the office, slumping.
He went down to Henry,s office. At least Henry was a friendly guy, that would probably help him get off a little easier. The one flaw in Henry, he was addicted to drawing, and in his situation it was beginning to affect his health.
Henry always overworked and never got much sleep, and coffee stopped affecting him at this point. Sammy was surprised to see Henry was sound asleep on his desk.
Should he wake Henry up? Sammy gingerly poked him with a pen. "Henry?" He asked. The animator didn't even flinch.
"Wow he's really in there." Sammy said with wide eyes. "HENRY WAKE UP!" He yelled. No affect. Sammy crosses his arms in frustration.
Challenge accepted. Sammy stretched out his arms to shake Henry, when someone came in. "Sammy what are you doing? I need the new song Joey approved to write lyrics to it." Jack said.
Sammy froze with his arms over Henry. "He won't wake up." He said. He continued to shake Henry roughly, with no affect.
Sammy let out an angry sound. "The song papers are right here." Sammy held out the papers to Jack. "Thanks, good luck waking that lump up." He laughed as he walked out.
Sammy needed help waking Henry up, as his ways weren't working. Also, what would Joey do if he figured out that Henry was asleep?
'Norman's smart, maybe he can help." Sammy said, running out of the office. He went to the animation studio and found Norman polishing a projector.
"Hey Norman, I need help with something." Sammy said as he dashed up to Norman.

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