Chapter 4

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Norman ran up beside Sammy and grabbed his shoulders, forcing Sammy to look at him. "Sammy, are you doing okay?" Norman asked.
Sammy sloppily nodded. "I'm doing fine, just getting Joey to check this." He said with a yawn. "Mind if I tag along?" Norman asked.
"Sure why?" Sammy said. "I just need to talk to Joey." Norman said. Sammy and Norman walked down the hall and Sammy fell over and Norman caught him.
Sammy laughed out of pure tiredness and oblivion. Norman just blushed and put Sammy back on his feet. Sammy walked straight into Joey's door.
"Ugh, my brain won't work right, I can't see straight." Sammy groaned, rubbing his head. Norman opened the door and him and Sammy went in. Sammy handed the music to Joey and was told same thing for next week.
Sammy nodded with a tired pain in his eyes. As soon as Sammy left, Joey turned to Norman. "What has brought you here Mr.Polk?" He asked.
Norman's usually calm face broke out in pure anger which surprised Joey. "Sammy's been overworking way to much lately, because you want him to write three songs a week!" Norman said.
"So?" Joey asked. "So? SO?! SAMMY HASN'T SLEPT OR EATEN ANYTHING ALL WEEK AND HES LITERALLY ON THE VERGE OF DYING!!!" Norman yelled. "AND ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT IS YOURSELF AND HOW YOU WANT EVERYTHING DONE WAY TOO EARLY!!!" He couldn't believe he'd just yelled full on rage and hate at his boss.
He was soooo fired. "That's none of your business Polk, you want to yell at me?! Well you can go home and do that, but I won't expect you to come back, you're fired!" Joey shouted.
Norman flinched. "You know what!? You're gonna fell real great when Sammy dies because of you!" He growled.
Joey stood up and slammed his fists on his desk. "POLK, YOU'RE FIRED, GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK!!!" He screamed.
"Joey, you can't fire Norman." Henry was leaning against the doorway, probably having had watched the whole thing.
"Henry, would you like to get fired as well?" Joey asked. Henry crosses his arms. "Weeeelll, if you fire me, you'd have no right to Bendy and the other cartoons, seeing as I created them, I'm the only true owner of them. And not to mention, you'd have a hell of a time trying to replace Norman, you know damned well he's the best projectionist this company has ever had, and it'd take more than one person to replace him." Henry said with a smug look. Joey was speechless.
"Then I'll just fire Norman." Joey said, glaring at Henry. Norman sighed and looked at the ground. He started to leave the office.
"Thanks for tryna help Henry." He said sadly. "Hold on Norman." Henry said. Norman stoped and turned to look curiously at Henry and Joey.
"Joey, if you fire, I'm quitting and taking my cartoons with me, then I will start a new studio and re-hire everyone except for you, so you're going to not fire Norman whether you like it or not, and Sammy only has to write one song a week, am I clear?" Henry glared at Joey.
Norman's mouth hung open and Joey's eyes went wide. "Fine." He said frowning. "Good." Henry said. He and Norman left Joey's office.
"Henry thank you so much!" Norman said. "No problem, plus I kinda had enough of Joey's crap with making people overwork, on Monday please tell Sammy that he only has one song to write." Henry said.
Norman nodded. When it turned to Monday, Norman went to go find Sammy. He found him in his office humming and working on a new song.
Susie was legit sneaking up behind Sammy, then stopped and stood there staring at him.
Norman found this very disturbing. "SUSIE!" Norman yelled. Sammy jumped and turned around to see Susie right behind him who had screamed. Norman ducked out of sight, not wanting Susie to know it was him.
Susie took a few steps back. "C'mon Sammy, two weeks ago you said you would have lunch with me this week." She said. Norman who was still outside, felt oddly annoyed by what Susie said.
He heard Sammy exhale loudly. "Susie I'm going to tell you once more, I didn't say I would, I said I wouldn't because I'm extremely busy, and it's hard to get my work done with you coming here every Monday to bug me." He said clearly annoyed.
"But Saaaaammyy!" Susie complained. "Why!? Why do you keep bugging me so much?!" Sammy snapped. "I really like you Sammy, I just wanted to know if you liked me?" Susie said.
Sammy was silent and Norman held his breath, hoping for whatever odd reason that Sammy said no. "NO! I never did and never would, so please just leave me the hell alone Susie. I don't mean to be a jerk about it I just don't feel the same." Sammy sighed.
"It's okay, I understand." Susie said, obviously sad. She left his office and didn't notice Norman. He went into Sammy's office and said "Hey Sammy!"
Sammy turned around. "Hi Norman, what do you need I'm busy." Sammy said.
"I just wanted you to know that you only have to write one song a week now, Joey, errr, changed his mind." Norman said.
Sammy stared at Norman. "Really!?" He asked. Norman nodded his head. Sammy has a big smile brighten up his face.
"I'm getting some lunch then." Sammy announced, and stood up to go to the break room. "You wanna come?" Sammy asked, stopping at the doorway. Norman nodded eagerly and followed him.

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