Chapter 8

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Sammy looked in question at Norman. He said nothing. Finally Sammy broke the silence. "Of course it could just be my brain, it still feels a bit foggy." He said.
"Yeah...probably." Norman said. Henry walked into the break room to get some coffee. "Hey Henry." Sammy said.
"Hi." Henry replied. Norman stood up and said, "I'd better get back to work, see you guys later." He walked out the door, Sammy watching him.
"Norman's been acting weird lately." Sammy said. "Oh really? How?" Henry asked. "Well, first I start to realize he keeps getting embarrassed around me for stupid reasons." Sammy said.
"Like what?" Henry asked. "Like I asked him if I could tag along with him for lunch and he just starts blushing, he didn't do that before." Sammy said in confusion.
"Second reason, when we were sitting here, we were about two feet apart, and next thing I know, only half a foot, and Norman thinks my brain is still foggy but I know it isn't." Sammy said.
"That's...interesting." Henry said, squinting one eye. "Do you know what's wrong with him?" Sammy asked.
"Well no, but I think you should ask him." Henry said, knowing perfectly well what was wrong with Norman. Sammy nodded. "Alright, thanks." He said, standing up to leave.
Henry sighed and smirked to himself as Sammy left. Poor guy was so oblivious. Sammy raced down the hall after Norman. He collided right into Norman.
"Ouch, sorry!" Sammy said. He had fallen on the floor, but Norman grabbed the wall and didn't fall. "Hi Sammy." He said.
"Hi, can I ask you something?" Sammy asked, jumping back up to his feet. Judging at the things that Sammy had asked him today, Norman really didn't want him to ask any more.
"Yeah sure." He said, against his senses. "Okay so, I'm just confused about how you've been acting lately, like you're acting different, but also not different." Sammy said.
Norman tilted his head in confusion at Sammy. "What do you mean?" He asked. Sammy sighed. "Every time I talk to you, you're face goes all red and pink, and my brains not foggy, I know you kept moving closer to me on the bench, but I just don't know why." He said.
"I-I just..." Norman stuttered. Was Sammy really this oblivious? Sammy's eyes went wide as he realized the reason why.
'Oh wow I'm real smart' he thought sarcastically. Sammy reached up and grabbed the front of Norman's shirt, pulling him down into a kiss. Norman squeaked, his eyes going wide.
They stayed like that for half a minute, until Wally walked into the door and dropped his broom. "WHAT THE HELL!" He screamed.
Sammy and Norman stared at Wally, who stared back in complete shock. "Wally...please don't say anything-" Sammy started saying, but Wally dashed down the hall. "IM OUTTA HERE!" He yelled.
"WALLY!" Sammy and Norman tore after him. "HEY! WHO WANTS TO HEAR SOMETHING REALLY INTERESTING BOUT NORMAN AND SAMMY!?!" Wally ran down the halls yelling in every doorway.
Sammy finally leaped forward and knocked Wally on the ground. "I SWEAR I WILL END YOU IF YOU SAY ANYTHING!" Sammy screeched.
"Uh...Sammy." Norman tugged on Sammy's shirt. "What?" Sammy asked. Norman pointed and they saw a bunch of people coming out of there offices, wondering what was going on.
"If you tell anyone, I'll continuously steal your sandwiches for life!" Sammy said. He then let Wally go, and the janitor pretended nothing happened.
"What's going on?" Jack asked.
"Nothing, go do your work!" Sammy snapped. Henry was leaning against the wall with a smug look. "I know what happened!" He announced.
Everyone turned to the animator in curiosity. "No you don't, nothing happened." Norman said. Sammy suddenly realized that he shouldn't have talked to Henry.
"Actually, yes he does!" Sammy said. "Oh." Norman said. "Henry please don't." Norman looked pleadingly at Henry.
"I think I will." Henry said. "If you say anything, I'll burn your drawings!" Sammy said. "Then Joey will fire you, because that's my job." Henry said simply. Sammy opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
"Then-then I'" Sammy thought of a way but couldn't. "Dammit." He muttered. Henry smirked. "What could they have possibly been doing-" Jack started saying but Susie interrupted.
"We're they saying something bad about another employee perhaps?" She said. Henry shook his head. "I'll only tell you if you guess, but other then that I honestly don't care." Henry shrugged and went back to his office.
Everyone stared at Norman and Sammy confused. Jack walked up to them. "What did you do? Could you get fired for it?" He asked.
"No." Norman said. Sammy was fuming. "Don't ask, or I'll bash your head in with a banjo!" He snapped. "You'd better not get anyone in trouble." Thomas said.
"We were doing...NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Sammy screeched. "Oh well I'm sorry shorty, just didn't want anybody to get fired!" Thomas growled. Sammy's mouth dropped open.
"Shorty? Did you just call me shorty?!" Sammy asked, his left eye twitching. "Oh no, this can't be good." Norman said.
Thomas nodded with a glare at the short man. "IM NOT SHORT! YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'RE PART GIRAFFE!" Sammy yelled.
Norman grabbed around Sammy's stomach from behind and dragged him away from Thomas. "Thomas leave Sammy alone, he's stressed." Norman said as he took Sammy away.
Sammy crosses his arms as Norman dragged him towards the music department. "You don't think anyone would tell Joey that we did something, do you?" Norman asked.
Sammy and him shared a stressed out look.

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