Chapter 2

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I shudder at the flashback, muttering to myself that it was just something I imagined, and drank another three shots.

Since I was little I saw things no-one else could see, feel cold breaths against my skin, and hear screams from outside my room.

When I was about 8 my parents became really worried and brought me to a doctor. I still have no idea, what he told them but whenever I ask them they say ''something that will soon end, you don't have to worry''.

But it still hasn't, so what's the point in not telling me??

Now I'm still scared with what I experienced today, and I believe getting drunk will help me... 

Or won't it? 'Til now it has worked, but that boy looked real frightening with his grin. I could sense his presence and his aura of malevolence.

I feel a cold hand on my shoulder and I flinch, expecting the boy to stand behind me and I can already make out black hair from the corner of my eye and I jump, almost starting to scream and-

"My, my, my. Who do we have here? Haha, I wasn't expecting you at this party, Alex, I thought you had a better taste in music and people," my best friend shouts over the music and snorts at my horrified expression.

"God, Max, you fucking scared the shit out of me," I answer, shouting back, "and I know, this isn't the best place to be, but I really do need to get drunk, I saw someone in the mirror today."

I quickly describe the boy to Max and he looks at me with concern. "Come on, A, you can't always get so fucking worked up over something like this! It was just a fucking image in the mirror, don't take it too seriously."

"But he looked so fricking real, Max," I whisper, barely audible. "I could feel his breath and presence."

"What?" He leans down to hear me better.

"Nothing," I sigh.

"Okay, then nevermind. Do you really want to get wasted?" He screams with delight, as I haven't been drunk for a cuple of months and he loves partying....

"Yeah," I yell back, "yeah, let's get over with it.''


The next morning

I wake up in my bedroom in my own bed. Thank God, I think to myself, but it is still dark,, so I wonder why I was waking up.

Then I hear feet shuffling towards my bed. I guess I heard the door opening and my conscience thought there was some danger.

I feel the mattress bending under the pressure of the unfamiliar body and I wonder who it is? I hope it's Max or my mom. But it can't be my mom, as the person is heavy, more like a man. Hopefully Max.

But curiosity got the best of me, as I wasn't sure, I turned my body, so I was facing him, to get a look at his face.

I immediately regret it and start to scream my lugs out.

It's him, the boy, lying in my bed staring back at me.

When he sees my screaming face, his mouth goes up at the corners and turns into a huge grin, I can see the malice in his eyes.

I scream until I have no air left, paralized in shock.


Thx for reading!! I'll be updating soon :)


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