Chapter 1: Mondays

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first time writing a Rarijack fanfic so I hope you like it! :3

Rarity's POV

Ugh. I absolutely HATE Mondays.

For some reason my luck is the WORST today. First I overslept. Then it started raining while on my way to school. And because of the rain, my hair got RUINED.

I knew I was late for class but I simply couldn't show up with my hair in this condition. I rushed to the ladies room to fix my hair.

To my surprise, I saw Applejack standing in front of the mirror. I thought she would be in class by now.

She noticed me come in and saw the surprised look on my face.

"Oh, hey Rares." She greeted me with a cute smile.

Did I just say cute?

"Hey Applejack." I smiled back. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"Oh, um I kinda spilled juice on my shirt on my way to school and I'm tryna get rid of it... No luck so far though."

"Oh I can help with that!" I always carry a jacket with me in case of stain emergencies.  I handed Applejack the jacket and she put it on, covering the stain.

"Thanks Rares. What are you doing in the bathroom anyway?"

"My hair was ruined by the rain this morning. I simply can't show up to class like this."

"Oh. Need any help with that?"

"No thank you, Applejack. It's nothing a little hairspray and a comb couldn't fix. I appreciate it though." I flash her a smile.

"Okay then. But I owe you one." She said, smiling back at me before leaving to go to class.

There was a weird feeling in my stomach when she smiled at me. I just ignored it.



I check my watch. I'M 15 MINUTES LATE. I quickly fix my hair and run to class. My (fabulous) high heels slowed me down. I ended up getting detention for being late. I had to meet Mr Cranky Doodle after school for the detention. I told you my luck was bad today.

~Time skip to lunchtime~

I got my food and joined my friends at our usual table.

"What's with the face Rarity?" Pinkie asked.

"It's nothing... Just a detention from Mr Doodle..."

"Is it because you were late to class this morning?" Applejack asked.


"Want me to pick you up after detention? I owe you for helping me with my fashion emergency this morning." Applejack offered.

"Thanks Applejack. I appreciate it." I replied, flashing her a smile.

She smiled back.

Her smile is so cute...

Wait what am I thinking?

The weird feeling in my stomach came back.

What's happening to me?

~Time Skip to after Rarity's detention~

I saw Applejack leaning on her car as I left the school and entered the parking lot.

She smiled at me.

And the feeling came back.

I love her smile... And her adorable freckles...


I can't be falling in love can I?

I'm straight. Or at least I think I am...

"Rares!" AJ yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Coming!!" I yelled back in reply and made my way across the parking lot.

"Thanks again for picking me up Applejack." We got into the car.

"No prob Rarity."

My mind eventually went back to my previous thoughts.

I'm pretty sure I'm straight... I dated Thunderlane once...

Could I be bisexual?

"Rarity? Earth to Rarity!" AJ snapped me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and looked around. We had arrived home.

"Got something on your mind Rares?"

"I'm just... Thinking about a science project."

AJ raised an eyebrow at me. I chuckled nervously.

"Ooookay then. See ya tomorrow Rares!"

"See ya Applejack!"

A/N: uhh... I tried my best okAY?
Just a little warning: I procrastinate a lot so if I don't update soon don't be surprised 😅
I recommend checking out other books while waiting for me to update :)

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