Chapter 4: The Confession

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A/N: Firstly, I would like to thank those people who comment and vote on this book. You guys make my day 💖
Secondly, I wanna apologize for not updating sooner. I was supposed to update last weekend but it was my birthday and I completely forgot. Enjoy this chapter! :)

I'm gonna confess to Rarity.

What? I'm the Element of Honesty. You can't expect me to keep a secret for too long.

Anyways, I'm planning on asking her after school tomorrow.

I hope she feels the same way...

Rarity's POV

I rested my head on my desk, staring at the clock, waiting for the bell to ring.



I picked up my bag and walked out of the classroom along with the rest of the students. I was heading towards the exit when I heard a familiar country accent.

"Rares! Wait up!"

I turned my head to see AJ jogging towards me.

"Hey, Applejack. What's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to grab a milkshake or somethin' at Sugarcube Corner with me?" (im just assuming that's what the cafe is called since mr and mrs cake work there)

"Oh, sure!"


Rarity and I walked to Sugarcube Corner together, chatting about random stuff. For a moment, I forgot that I was going to confess to her but once I remembered, the butterflies in my stomach came back. Before I knew it, we were entering Sugarcube Corner.

We found a table for two which was right next to a window. Rarity sat on one of the chairs and I went to order our milkshakes.

I got really nervous.

What am I gonna say?  What if she rejects me?  Will we still be friends?

What am I saying?  Of course we'll still be friends. We've been friends since preschool. We won't let a little rejection break us apart.

"Ahem. Miss?" Mrs Cake snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked over my shoulder and realized I was holding up the line.

"Sorry, y'all..." I said nervously. I quickly bought the milkshakes and headed towards Rarity.

"Are you alright, darling? You seem a little nervous."

"I- I'm fine." I replied, quickly sipping my milkshake.

There was a short silence while Rarity stared at me with a skeptical look.

"AJ, come on. I know when you're lying. We've known each other like forever."

I sighed. Might as well get it over with.

"You see, Rarity, I.. uhh.. have somethin' to get off my chest."

"I'm listening..." she said with a hand gesture signalling for me to go on.

I took a deep breath.

Here goes nothin'...

"Rarity, I... I like you. Like, like  like you."

Rarity's POV

I was at a loss for words.

She likes me too!

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Instead, I leaned across the small table and pressed my lips against hers.

She slowly melted into the kiss.

It felt like the world was spinning.

In that moment, I didn't have a care in the world.

I wanted to stay like this forever.

Eventually, I pulled away, leaving AJ dazed.

"Remember how I said I found out I was bi because I fell for a girl?"

AJ nodded, her lips still slightly apart.

"It was you, AJ."


A/N: I'm grinning like a freaking idiot right now.

That was boootiful.

Vote and comment pls 😇✨

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