Chapter 2: It's Official

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A/N: Felt a little productive today so I decided to write a chapter :)
Rarity's POV

"Hey y'all." Applejack sat down at our usual table.

"Hey." Sunset replied. Her smile turned into a skeptical look. "AJ, are you all right? You look kinda... down."

Now that Sunset had pointed it out, Applejack did seem a little less cheerful than normal. In fact, she seemed a little nervous.

"I... have something to tell y'all."

"What is it?" Twilight (from our world) asked.

"I realized something a few days ago... I've been waiting for the right time to tell y'all."

We all gave Applejack confused looks.

What is she talking about?...

"I'm... a lesbian. I like girls." she said slowly.

"Oh that was pretty obvious." Pinkie shrugged.

"Yeah... we kinda figured." Twilight said.

We all laughed.

"Have you told your family?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yup. Told them yesterday. They were pretty fine with it." Applejack smiled.

"That's great! We're proud of you." Sunset commented.

"For what?"

"For being brave."

~End of Flashback~

I've finally accepted the fact that I'm bisexual... and also the fact that I have a crush on Applejack.

That explains why I feels butterflies in my stomach whenever she smiles... why my mind keeps saying how adorable she is.

I thought about how I would break the news to my family and friends... and Applejack came to mind. I remember when she came out to me and our friends.

I decided that I would tell her first so that I could get advice on how to tell the others and my parents.

Probably should leave out the fact that I fell for her though.

For now.


"keepin' busy is keepin' good, keep on goin' just like ya should..."

I sang softly while on my way to Math class. Last class of the day!

"call me crazy, misunderstood. bet you won't hear me complain..."

I stepped into the classroom, taking a seat. A few seconds later, Rarity came in and sat beside me. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

She's so pretty...


Rarity's POV

I sat beside AJ in Math class so that I could tell her to meet me after school.

As I sat beside her, she gave me a smile.

Damn it AJ, why are you so cuTE-

"Hey, Rares."

I blushed at the nickname. I covered the side of my face that AJ could see to cover my blushing. Once the the heat on my face cooled down a little, I uncovered my face.

"Hey AJ." I smiled back. "AJ, could you-"

"Okay class. Quiet down now. Class is starting." Ms Cheerlie interrupted me.

I can't be caught talking in Ms Cheerlie's class. She hates that. I could get me and AJ in detention.

I'll just pass her a note.

I took out my notebook and a pen and scribbled on the notebook.

Could you meet me after school today? I need to some advice about something.

I passed the note to AJ. She took the note and read it. A few seconds later, she took out a pen and wrote on the note.

Sure. Is something wrong?

I read her reply and quickly wrote a reply back.

I'll tell you after school.

~Time skip to after school~


What could Rarity want to talk to me about? She said she needed my advice... so she probably thinks that I'm the best person to help in her situation. What could it be?

I leaned on my car and watched the entrance waiting for Rarity to appear.

Finally, she did. She walked towards me, smiling.

She's beautiful...

Wait am I falling for Rarity?

"Hey AJ!"

"Hey Rares!"

I could've sworn I saw her blush a little when I called her Rares...

It's adorable...

"So what did you wanna talk to me about?"

Her smile faded and was replaced with a nervous look.

"U-umm could you give me a ride home first? We could uhh.. talk in my room."

"Uhh sure."

~At Rarity's house~

Rarity's POV

I was so nervous...

I led AJ upstairs to my room.

We both sat down on the bed.

"Where are your parents?" AJ asked.

"They're still at work."

"Oh okay. So what did you wanna talk to me about? And... why me?"

"I... am... bisexual."


A/N: Yay!! I did an update :D
I'm proud of myself 😌

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